
Topic: No central bank + fixed money supply == banking crisis? (US between 1834 - 1913) (Read 4867 times)

hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Deflation results in lower interest rates, not higher. There is less demand (and more supply) for loans.

Nominal interest rates are meaningless. Less demand would likely be the result of the increased risk, which applies to both sides of the supply and demand curve.
Activity: 4438
Merit: 3387
The problem with a fixed money supply:

When economy grows and generated more goods and services, the money are not enough to trade all the new goods, so the value of money increased, and that value increasing caused higher interest rate and hoarding, which further decrease the available money for transaction
Deflation results in lower interest rates, not higher. There is less demand (and more supply) for loans. However, just like you can have hyper-inflation, you can have hyper-deflation (which is what you are suggesting).
hero member
Activity: 527
Merit: 500
The problem with a fixed money supply:

When economy grows and generated more goods and services, the money are not enough to trade all the new goods, so the value of money increased, and that value increasing caused higher interest rate and hoarding, which further decrease the available money for transaction

But doesn't the increased value of savings increase demand? If my cash savings could buy 1 TV then later buys 10 TVs, I'm more inclined to buy a TV.

And this will hit those with a debt very hard, they could not afford higher and higher interest due to the continuously rising value in money. And those who have a lot of saving are not willing to invest, since the return of just hoarding the money is much higher than investing those money and take business risk

But for the supply of goods to be increasing, which is the premise, business must be profitable/growing, but no one will risk investing because they won't profit?

As a result, the economy growth will be stopped and turn to negative, the number of tradable goods and services will reduce, until they become so scarce that their value against money rise again

So it's a positive feedback loop. Eventually the value of money will be infinity.

The number of goods will reduce because the number of goods are increasing.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1013
Why would anyone accept a bitcoin-backed note? The singular redeeming value of notes is that they are easier to carry and transact with than is specie. However, I can't see how they hold this advantage over bitcoin. In a world where bitcoin is universally recognized, notes would seem to have no advantage over the actual use of bitcoin in transactions.
In some cases a physical note might be easier to obtain and spend anonymously.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1660
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
Why would anyone accept a bitcoin-backed note? The singular redeeming value of notes is that they are easier to carry and transact with than is specie.

Expansion of the money supply. It allows for easier credit at lower interest rates. By virtue of being deflationary, bitcoin almost encourages FRB, or at the very least heavily discourages lending without FRB...

I guess I misunderstood your original point. I thought you were implying that people would prefer a note representing claim upon a bitcoin, rather than an actual bitcoin. Carry on.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Why would anyone accept a bitcoin-backed note? The singular redeeming value of notes is that they are easier to carry and transact with than is specie.

Expansion of the money supply. It allows for easier credit at lower interest rates. By virtue of being deflationary, bitcoin almost encourages FRB, or at the very least heavily discourages lending without FRB. Some bitcoin proponents have settled on the fact that there will be a banking application layer on top of bitcoin for most everyday transactions, which helps make it ripe for FRB. Without a mechanism to slow deflationary pressure, anyone borrowing bitcoins is likely to default, and this will make for a terrible economy. 50% of all the coins are mined, 75% in 4 years, there will be little incentive for anyone else to use the currency without favorable borrowing.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1660
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
... If people don't want to accept bitcoin-backed notes, then perhaps they have moved on to other cryptocurrencies. If they accept bitcoin-backed notes....

Why would anyone accept a bitcoin-backed note? The singular redeeming value of notes is that they are easier to carry and transact with than is specie. However, I can't see how they hold this advantage over bitcoin. In a world where bitcoin is universally recognized, notes would seem to have no advantage over the actual use of bitcoin in transactions.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1660
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
Well if owning 100% of a man's work is slavery, exactly at what percentage does it merely become taxation?
Without their _actual_ consent? At no figure above zero.

We are the slaves, and fiat currency is the mechanism for ensuring our control. They tax our present work, take out massive loans on our future work, and then print 40 billion dollars a year month to buy up "toxic assets" that were created because of the moral hazard that companies have when they don't have to worry about risk in gambling investing because there is a lender of last resort.

FTFY - ~$130 per month for every man, woman, and child.
Activity: 110
Merit: 10
I agree there's a huge gap between how much we should need to work and how much we actually do, the question is why.

I think the answer is more likely to be a deficit of freedom rather than a surplus.

There are a couple of things worth considering. One is that however automated and productive our economies become, there will always be resources like land and housing that are scarce and in demand. This means that there will always be competition between individuals for those scarce resources.

The second thing is that people are social animals who like to be seen to be doing well relative to their current peers, not just compared to their parents standard of living a generation ago. That means that given the choice between more money compared to their neighbours and more leisure time with their family, people tend to choose the money. That then increases the social pressure on the neighbours to keep up with them, creating a vicious cycle. I guess it is slavery in a way, but slavery to social pressures rather than a government or elites.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
But in that case where would our attentions be directed?

Simple: inovation!

Imagine those 60 or 70% of stuff that we don't really need but we produce because the system incentivizes endless consumption through low interest rates, all that wealth and resources could have been spent on R&D.

It's impossible to comprehend how much further along we as a species in our development could already be, were it not for some people thinking they own others.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
I remember reading some economic theory that free people are more productive than slaves and would out compete them in the end.

I don't see any way to make an argument against this. Maybe it isn't true, but every bone in my body says that freedom > slavery. For everyone, not just the slave owners.

On a very anecdotal note, I have family that works for a very large auto manufacturer. I was told that once upon a time they only allowed "casual fridays" where blue jeans and polos and such were allowed on fridays. At some point, someone noticed that friday productivity was the highest of any day during the week, so they added casual mondays. The trend continued. So why not make all days casual? So it was, and overall productivity was increased. If even such a small token of freedom promotes productivity, what could happen if we could bring ourselves out from under the economic slavery that we are all a part of?
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
johnyj says the "BTC economy can not grow fast" but why is it supposed to? What kind of value system places a higher priority of economic expansion over freedom? Growth over sustainability?

It is not a matter of sustainability, but one of viability. If bitcoin cannot encourage people to adopt it, it will not be adopted, and its benefit to society will be nil.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
I agree there's a huge gap between how much we should need to work and how much we actually do, the question is why.

I think the answer is more likely to be a deficit of freedom rather than a surplus.

Freedom is the problem (I have very little) my valuable skills are invested in selling more eyeliner when I could be solving world hunger and pollution problems. The causes are monopolies, (monopoly on money and its manipulation , all monopolies enforced by law) I bet humanity will be way more productive if the monopolies that make the modernized slavery practices, were removed.

Well if owning 100% of a man's work is slavery, exactly at what percentage does it merely become taxation? We are the slaves, and fiat currency is the mechanism for ensuring our control. They tax our present work, take out massive loans on our future work, and then print 40 billion dollars a year to buy up "toxic assets"...
We are still crawling out of the dark ages in reality  (I remember reading some economic theory that free people are more productive than slaves and would out compete them in the end.  I am looking toward to Bitcoin's successor running the world.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
It's not really worth discussing the fiscal merits of one system over the other. The problem is that everything still leads back to the question of morality. Let's just assume that there are more banking shocks and people are more likely to save more as value rises and all of the things that are said about a deflationary currency with no lender of last resort.

So what?

johnyj says the "BTC economy can not grow fast" but why is it supposed to? What kind of value system places a higher priority of economic expansion over freedom? Growth over sustainability?

I'll give you an analogy and then I'll bring it back to reality. A long time ago, we morally justified that one human could own another human. Those owned humans had no legal right to the result of their own labor, and had no freedom of association, and no right to travel. But the areas with slaves experienced great economic benefits from the human ownership, and taking this away would make it so that their economies wouldn't grow as fast. But who here want's to argue in slavery's favor simply because it has economic benefits? It would be madness.

Well if owning 100% of a man's work is slavery, exactly at what percentage does it merely become taxation? We are the slaves, and fiat currency is the mechanism for ensuring our control. They tax our present work, take out massive loans on our future work, and then print 40 billion dollars a year to buy up "toxic assets" that were created because of the moral hazard that companies have when they don't have to worry about risk in gambling investing because there is a lender of last resort.

So why are we even worrying about a bank run here or there? Part of the point of bitcoin is that you don't even need a bank. You can keep those coins on a paper wallet stuffed under you mattress and they will keep their value. Then people are reliant on themselves again and they will trade on their ability to produce, not their ability to create complex financial structures that hide systemic risk.

Activity: 1400
Merit: 1013
The reality is we all should be enjoying the benefits of the industrial revolution today, by my calculation we are about 10,000 times more productive than we were 300 years ago (given you use the technology commonly available today) , but we work harder and longer (on average) than at any time in history.
I agree there's a huge gap between how much we should need to work and how much we actually do, the question is why.

I think the answer is more likely to be a deficit of freedom rather than a surplus.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
... There's no reason to worry about it. The most we can say is that if people are free to trade voluntarily for mutual benefit the solutions they will arrive at will tend to be optimal.

@ AbelsFire thanks I always do enjoy your posts.

The reality is we all should be enjoying the benefits of the industrial revolution today, by my calculation we are about 10,000 times more productive than we were 300 years ago (given you use the technology commonly available today) , but we work harder and longer (on average) than at any time in history.

Analyzing this phenomenon from an eco-design perspective lead me to seek solutions to optimize  our natural resources for maximum human benefits. (And my attraction to Bitcoin and dissatisfaction with current banks and economic thinking ) 

So the lecture while very informative did reiterate when looking at the Canadian and the US graphs that the demand for money is just that, a want to have more, A fixed supply prompts a different type of behavior one I believe is more ecologically and more  socially sustainable.
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1007
Right, my words.

A welfare state won't be required because if things are really so efficient and automated, basic necessities of life will become very very cheap. You'll probably have to work 10 minutes a month for your food supply. But you won't be content with that, because you'll also have more desires.

We software developers are the working class of the 21st century. We'll be in charge of actually automating everything. They're already trying to "industrialize us" with these agile, scrum, kanban (from Toyota!) methodologies to streamline our efficiency and make us replaceable.

In the period after that, maybe in 200 years, we'll probably be colonizing the solar system. Everybody will want spaceships. 10 years after that, everybody will actually *need* spaceships in order to get any job at all.

The working class in 500 years will be, I don't know, maybe space-time curvature architects.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1013
Robot will replace most of the human workers sooner or later, but in a future society when only robot are working and producing, who is going to buy the products that robot produced? Everyone becomes a robot owner, or government owns all the robot and dispatch the work results of robots to each household?
One thing that is very hard to grasp is our inherent inability to predict the future. Think back to the time when 90% of humans had to be involved in agriculture. If you were to go back in time and tell the people of that era that in the future less than 5% of the population would be involved in agriculture they would have no ability to guess what the rest of the people would do. The things that people do now would simply be incomprehensible to them.

It's the same with us and the future. If robots end up doing most of the jobs that humans are doing today we simply are not capable of imaging what kinds of actives humans will find to fill their time. There's no reason to worry about it. The most we can say is that if people are free to trade voluntarily for mutual benefit the solutions they will arrive at will tend to be optimal.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
I haven't watched the video, so I hope I'm not just repeating ...

You should definitely watch the video because you don't have the full picture of what was going on.
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1012
Beyond Imagination
The dates hazek picked in;topicseen are interesting, they correspond with the rise of socialism in Europe (and, I'm assuming, the US too) due largely to widespread poverty and unemployment and a large part of that was caused by the situation Etlase2 warns of, the hoarding of a fixed amount of currency.

However, the reason for that has to be considered too. At that time industrialisation was booming, in many areas 1 man could do the work of 100 of a previous generation which goes a long way to explaining the mass unemployment and the mass poverty that came with it.

Move forward to the present day and in many areas 1 man can do the work of 10000. We need to work to earn money to survive so new areas of employment have evolved for us to find work in and welfare systems have been put in place to provide protection for those that would otherwise starve.

The obvious next step is to build on that system, to create new industries providing further employment and dismiss past systems as obsolete, never questioning the foundations of the system.

We need to work to earn money to survive. Is this really true any more? We've maintained that fundamental principle continually and built a huge and complex system to support it including a welfare system that has grown bigger and bigger as that system became harder to maintain.

The welfare state was discussed at length in another thread recently and the impression I got from that discussion was the concept is simply too alien to our way of life to clearly see how it would function and I think the concept of an economic system that isn't based on creating growth (and with it employment) is also too alien to see clearly. Money is the central component of our lives, this hasn't always been the case but I think it has been true for too long for us to see anything else as possible.

+++, lot's of good points in your post

Technology advance will always create unemployment, especially it happened on all the existing industries, IT's usage on existing industries created mass unemployment throughout the globe

In an ideal world, new consumption should increase steady and continuously, so that growth is predictable and there will always be new jobs.  But in reality, new consumption jumped up exponentially, from cloth to food to car to house, in each jump the value of consumption increased by at least 4 times. During the jumping process, everyone makes money, but what is going to be the next consumption for each household, which is 4x higher value than housing? None, and the most important: income do not increase exponentially, so it collapsed

In many welfare countries, people do not need to work to earn money to survive, the high tax of those nations established good bottom line for everyone. But those companies who is paying the tax will try to move the operation to other countries, unless all the countries create same welfare system

Robot will replace most of the human workers sooner or later, but in a future society when only robot are working and producing, who is going to buy the products that robot produced? Everyone becomes a robot owner, or government owns all the robot and dispatch the work results of robots to each household?

Activity: 4438
Merit: 3387
I haven't watched the video, so I hope I'm not just repeating ...

My understanding is that the numerous crises during that period were a direct result of the invention of fractional reserve banking. Fractional reserve banking is a way to get around a fixed money supply, and those crises were actually caused by the resulting variable money supply and the associated risks that were introduced.

The Federal Reserve was an attempt to maintain the benefits of fractional reserve banking (liquidity, etc.) and create a common note (as opposed to different ones for every bank), while reducing the pitfalls (bank runs, default risk, and out-of-control money supply). Thus far, its performance has been poor at best.

I'm wondering what will happen when fractional reserve banking is implemented with Bitcoin.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Again neither I nor Dr. Salgin are raising the Canadian model as some kind of ideal or a role model that a market regulated strictly by it's consumers i.e. a free market would come up with, just that a banking system without a central bank can work reasonable well when there are no regulations that would fatally flaw such a system.

But there was nothing remotely close to a fixed supply of money, either. Nor will there realistically be with Bitcoin, either. Banking competition may end up with who has more reserves, or who holds a higher percentage of reserves, or who has a higher capital asset to liability ratio, etc. There is no such thing as a fixed supply of money. If people don't want to accept bitcoin-backed notes, then perhaps they have moved on to other cryptocurrencies. If they accept bitcoin-backed notes, that means we are in the same situation all over again where banks have the power to control money. If they move on to other cryptocurrencies (or include them), then bitcoin has failed to supplant fiat currency, at least on its own. The scarcity of bitcoins will ensure that banks will devise ways to get people to accept substitutes. Or people simply won't acquire them or any claim on them.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
Btw I'm not trying to hold the Canadian model before 1935 as some hallmark of how free banking is done,

I understand that, but you are trying to make the argument that the free market had something to do with it, which it did not.

Not so at all. I'm trying to show that a system can perform ok when there isn't a specific kind of government intervention that would cause otherwise.

it's just an example of a system that didn't have the same futile regulation as the US but also had no central bank that performed better, although far from the best.

Quite debatable.

All the charters were alike and, therefore, the Bank of Montreal charter may be taken as typical. A study of this charter shows clearly that it was taken directly from that of the first Bank of the United States , which had been planned by Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the Treasury of the United States . Thus the Canadian banking system is a direct descendant - the only surviving one of the first Bank of the United States.

You also failed to mention:

Meaning this "effective central bank" instantly got competition and in no way resembled a central bank of the European model.

I didn't fail to mention it, the Bank of Kingston quickly failed and was irrelevant. There were others, though:

Through the collapse of the private Bank of Upper Canada at Kingston and the inability of the Bank of Kingston to get going within the period of its charter, the Bank of Upper Canada obtained a monopoly of banking within the province and hoped to keep it. With its control of the Legislative Council it could have thwarted all efforts to obtain new charters, but a financial crisis in 1821-2 made it necessary for the bank to apply to the legislature for a reduction in its capital and for other considerations. This gave the Assembly an opportunity to protest the monopoly, but it was not until 1832, however, that another charter - that of the Commercial Bank of the Midland District - was granted to the financial interests of Kingston whose first charter had lapsed. The Bank of Upper Canada had its charter extended in the same year.

The point is that there were very, very few of them and they all had central bank-like charters. No, they were not central banks per se, but it is much more difficult for a national bank to fail than a regional one. Reserves can be re-allocated to areas that need it whereas regional banks have no choice but to fail under pressure. And once some regional banks start failing, panic generally ensues.

And the supply of money was hardly fixed under this system, but that is another topic, I suppose.

Yes it's quite important that we are exact. They didn't have a central bank, this is non debatable. Because what they really had was a private competitive banking system comprised of a just a few by the state allowed banks, a system that in no way was the result of a free market. Again neither I nor Dr. Salgin are raising the Canadian model as some kind of ideal or a role model that a market regulated strictly by it's consumers i.e. a free market would come up with, just that a banking system without a central bank can work reasonable well when there are no regulations that would fatally flaw such a system.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Btw I'm not trying to hold the Canadian model before 1935 as some hallmark of how free banking is done,

I understand that, but you are trying to make the argument that the free market had something to do with it, which it did not.

it's just an example of a system that didn't have the same futile regulation as the US but also had no central bank that performed better, although far from the best.

Quite debatable.

All the charters were alike and, therefore, the Bank of Montreal charter may be taken as typical. A study of this charter shows clearly that it was taken directly from that of the first Bank of the United States , which had been planned by Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the Treasury of the United States . Thus the Canadian banking system is a direct descendant - the only surviving one of the first Bank of the United States.

You also failed to mention:

Meaning this "effective central bank" instantly got competition and in no way resembled a central bank of the European model.

I didn't fail to mention it, the Bank of Kingston quickly failed and was irrelevant. There were others, though:

Through the collapse of the private Bank of Upper Canada at Kingston and the inability of the Bank of Kingston to get going within the period of its charter, the Bank of Upper Canada obtained a monopoly of banking within the province and hoped to keep it. With its control of the Legislative Council it could have thwarted all efforts to obtain new charters, but a financial crisis in 1821-2 made it necessary for the bank to apply to the legislature for a reduction in its capital and for other considerations. This gave the Assembly an opportunity to protest the monopoly, but it was not until 1832, however, that another charter - that of the Commercial Bank of the Midland District - was granted to the financial interests of Kingston whose first charter had lapsed. The Bank of Upper Canada had its charter extended in the same year.

The point is that there were very, very few of them and they all had central bank-like charters. No, they were not central banks per se, but it is much more difficult for a national bank to fail than a regional one. Reserves can be re-allocated to areas that need it whereas regional banks have no choice but to fail under pressure. And once some regional banks start failing, panic generally ensues.

And the supply of money was hardly fixed under this system, but that is another topic, I suppose.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
Btw I'm not trying to hold the Canadian model before 1935 as some hallmark of how free banking is done, it's just an example of a system that didn't have the same futile regulation as the US but also had no central bank that performed better, although far from the best.

In 1817, Montreal bankers were granted a charter by the British government to open the first formal bank in Canada. This was the Bank of Montreal. Under its charter, the Bank of Montreal was given a monopoly on the right to issue promissory notes on the model of the army bills. Because of its monopoly rights, the Bank of Montreal essentially acted as a central bank for both Upper and Lower Canada.

Voila, an effective central bank exists.

You also failed to mention:

In the years after 1817, Britain granted several new bank charters, including a charter to the now-defunct Bank of Kingston, which was to act as a competitor to the Bank of Montreal in Upper Canada. The new chartered banks were required under the terms of their charters to recognise one another's currency, a practice that allowed for the development of long-distance trade within British North America. However, banking remained in private hands, which meant that the issue of currency was at the discretion of private bankers. This frequently led to high inflation when the infant Canadian economy was in recession.

Meaning this "effective central bank" instantly got competition and in no way resembled a central bank of the European model.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
The reasons why Canada had fewer problems are very clear, and IIRC Selgin tends to gloss over these subjects (but I watched this video some time ago when it was posted here).

The British administration under Isaac Brock introduced what became known as army bills in 1812, in order to finance the War of 1812. The total value of these bills was 250 000 pounds. These were promissory notes issued directly by the government. They came into wide usage during the war (1812-1815) to make up for the lack of bullion in Upper and Lower Canada. Unlike the card money used in the late 17th century, army bills could be and were in fact exchanged for gold coin once the war had ended. The army bills had thus proven themselves reliable, eradicating any real stigma against paper currency.

The government was issuing fiat at least until 1817 when...

In 1817, Montreal bankers were granted a charter by the British government to open the first formal bank in Canada. This was the Bank of Montreal. Under its charter, the Bank of Montreal was given a monopoly on the right to issue promissory notes on the model of the army bills. Because of its monopoly rights, the Bank of Montreal essentially acted as a central bank for both Upper and Lower Canada.

Voila, an effective central bank exists.

However, banking remained in private hands, which meant that the issue of currency was at the discretion of private bankers. This frequently led to high inflation when the infant Canadian economy was in recession.

That also caused inflation.

After Confederation, Canada developed a banking system very different from that of the United States. Whereas the United States was served a large number of small banks serving just one town or, at most state, Canada's banking sector came to be dominated by a few banks with transcontinental branch networks. The Canadian system promoted stability and produced far fewer bank failures than either the contemporary United States or Australian banking systems. The downside of the Canadian banking system was that it was much less competitive that the United States and Australian systems, which meant that consumers paid more for banking services. The legal foundation of the Canadian banking system consisted of a series of laws passed in 1870 and 1871.

It had to do with the fact that banks were national whereas US banks were very regional. Yes, this was due to some piss-poor regulation on the US's part, but the central bank "fixed" the problem. It most certainly was not that "canada was unregulated and free" though as you conclude in your post.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Except that even if we went by the terrible and almost worthless statistic of market cap it most certainly hasn't. I live in this reality:

Wait, so 122 > 188? That's an interesting and unsurprising reality you've created for yourself.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
The comparison between countries with a central bank (lender of last resort) and countries without a central bank during this period is revealing.

That is all.

Of course, when government's regulation causes banking crisis and panics then there's no doubt banks do better with a lender of last resort.

That is all.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1003
The comparison between countries with a central bank (lender of last resort) and countries without a central bank during this period is revealing.

That is all.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
Interesting theory. The only problem with it is that it doesn't match reality.

Nice try though.

Except that if we go by market cap (lol) it most certainly has. What reality do you live in?
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1012
Beyond Imagination
This possibly is the reason that BTC economy can not grow fast, since holding BTC is much more profitable than invest BTC to generate new business, everyone will just hold BTC

Assuming that Gresham's Law applies to BTC in this manner. If everyone acts in their "self-interest" to hoard all their coin, this leads to the Nash equilibrium where their coin possesses no intrinsic value. But this has not happened in Bitcoinworld.

The coin will never possesses 0 intrinsic value, because of it's usage, popularity and scarcity. It's the same as people using silver as transaction medium while they hoard gold, people will still use USD for transactions and hoard BTC for investment

As an investment target, BTC is much better than gold and house, it is easy to move across globe, it has stable and limited supply (gold supply can increase a lot if it is profitable enough for mining  companies), and it is backed by mathematics and network

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1002
Darn you!  You're 1 hour is quickly becoming 3.  Good series though.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Annuit cœptis humanae libertas
This possibly is the reason that BTC economy can not grow fast, since holding BTC is much more profitable than invest BTC to generate new business, everyone will just hold BTC

Assuming that Gresham's Law applies to BTC in this manner. If everyone acts in their "self-interest" to hoard all their coin, this leads to the Nash equilibrium where their coin possesses no intrinsic value. But this has not happened in Bitcoinworld.
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1012
Beyond Imagination
The problem with a fixed money supply:

When economy grows and generated more goods and services, the money are not enough to trade all the new goods, so the value of money increased, and that value increasing caused higher interest rate and hoarding, which further decrease the available money for transaction

And this will hit those with a debt very hard, they could not afford higher and higher interest due to the continuously rising value in money. And those who have a lot of saving are not willing to invest, since the return of just hoarding the money is much higher than investing those money and take business risk

As a result, the economy growth will be stopped and turn to negative, the number of tradable goods and services will reduce, until they become so scarce that their value against money rise again

This possibly is the reason that BTC economy can not grow fast, since holding BTC is much more profitable than invest BTC to generate new business, everyone will just hold BTC

Of course if BTC is not mainly used as a currency but as an investment target, then that is a totally different logic

Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
Thanks, I am glad to have watched. 
sr. member
Activity: 342
Merit: 250
Money is a market phenomenon (or at least it would be if the government got out of the way).  If you don't think 21 million coins (really  2.1 quadrillion units) is "enough," create a fork. "Problem" solved.
hero member
Activity: 602
Merit: 508
Firstbits: 1waspoza
Very interesting video, thanks.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1003
Hello everyone,

As I ponder the heated discussion I had after the Tuesday presentation of Bitcoin here in Slovenia presented by Nejc Kodrič (, his programer and developer Damian Merlak, another enthusiast programer they met in London Matija Mazi and me, where one audience member just couldn't be convinced that a fixed supply of money is a good thing and actually the best form a money can have..

..I'd just like to call attention to this most often grossly misunderstood issue surrounded with myths that a fixed supply of money with a banking system without a central bank and no regulation will lead to devastating banking problems and economic crisis. Myths that are most often spread without really doing any research on the matter. And when one actually does look at history and look at what the circumstances really were that did undoubtedly lead to pretty bad problems one finds that yet again it wasn't a market regulated strictly by it's consumers i.e. a free market coupled with no government regulations/no central bank the cause of these problems but that the truth is that there were regulations and that it was precisely those (big surprise, not) that lead to all those problems. Meanwhile in that same period of time a not perfectly free but much much better system in Canada worked problems free that barely gets mentioned or remembered.

How I know all of this? Well I don't know, but I do trust Dr. George Selgin, Professor of Economics at the Terry School of Business at the University of Georgia and author of a number of books on money and banking ("Bank Deregulation and Monetary Order" and "Good Money."), does and I'd invite you to lend him an hour of your time and listen to a lecture on this specific and for understanding the facts of history very important issue.

And please, if at all possible, stop spreading these ugly myths. Thank you!

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1) the subject of this thread is the false accusation of no regulations + a fixed supply of money as the cause of banking crisis and panics - all posts must stay on this topic
2) any opinion not substantiated with a verifiable fact(s) of history is not allowed
3) sophistry and logical fallacies not allowed

Any post violating my rules for this thread will get deleted as an off topic post. If you want to spread BS you can do so in your own thread.
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