Exchanges Will No Longer Have banking problems: personally think this is huge. We get a whole bank to cater to our needs. Not only will exchanges be safe from any bank account closures, but it also makes buying bitcoin easy. I mean, we get a bitcoin bank - a bitbank - which does not do fractional lending, so its just there to act as a middle man between fiat and btc, but with all the support of a whole banking group.
Think before you upvote, people.
TLDR: Reposted from user:doyourduty below:
1) OP comes from a family of bankers
2) Banks aren't afraid of bitcoin, they love the idea of it. The KYC/AML laws are the problem.
3) Too many unaccounted for funds can cause a huge penalty
4) Main problem is bitcoin<-->fiat
5) OP's Solution: An international bitcoin bank in panama where fraudulent activity within a specific account could be dealt with individually instead of screwing everyone (i.e. bitfloor, bitcoin-24)
Fucking ridiculous. Or, to borrow a word from the French,
Same guy who posted the "message from wall-street", asked for BTC, LTC donations, because "wall-street likes money",
but deleted his account after I started pointing out inconsistencies, and promised to poke holes in his bullshit story? Bitcoin will succeed or fail on its own merits.
There is really no need to pump these fabricated bullshit stories.
tl;dr: Upvote good news, upvote bad news, downvote fake news.