I made multiple withdrawals today 2/14
No, I don't have "bad info" because it was a question. Notice the question mark at the end of my sentence.
Anyways, thanks for the info. I shall proceed with putting funds into coinbase, then.
BTW, can you withdraw BTC from coinbase? I know you can receive BTC and dollars into your account. I know you can withdraw dollars, but can you withdraw BTC?
Holy moly man. Welcome to the forum, but you're not off to the best start. If you're not going to take the time to read the extremely simple documentation provided by these services, you're going to have a bad time.
It sounds like you haven't even signed up. If you signed up and poked around a bit, you would find all of your answers right in front of you. This would be a very important step considering you're thinking about putting your hard earned dollars in there. Remember, signing up doesn't mean you have to put money in there, if you take a look at what they have to offer and you don't like it, you can walk away no problem.