I've really busted their balls in the past but Michael always came though.
they'll take good care of you.
yeah I ordered two blades from them and 20-30 5 chip units from them.
The first blade came on sat the 17th of may it runs wrong. 1 part does 2.3-2.6mh no issues or worries.
the other part does 1.4-1.7mh I know he is busy but I hope to hear from him on a credit for this . maybe 20%-25% or around 200 usd store credit.
this is the problem
I tested high end seasonic psu with good plugs switch the power switched the mining pools and the blade side that powers the fan runs short .
With a store credit I can just order other gear. I could order 2 or 3 five chip units from him I am short about 1.2mh
3 of these fixes everything I hope he reads this soon.
A second blade is on the way I hope it works better.