People need to start realizing what bitcoin is ACTUALLY about, and not how much fiat currency they can make from it.
However, fiat money can be exchanged for bitcoins. If I time my market movements correctly I'll have MORE bitcoins rather than fewer.
Your posting is justification for being net long bitcoins. Mine is about trading. The two are not related.
If I take the money I've already made selling bitcoins as I've mined them and buy on the market right now I'll wind up with about 3x as many. Or, to put it another way, 3.6 gigahash for the price of a bit less than 1.2 (sold half my cards a few weeks ago). Right now it looks like if I go with my current strategy I may wind up with 4x, 10x or maybe even 1000x as many.
But keep on hoarding, that just means my bitcoins won't be splitting the remaining cash pie with as many others.