Thanks for everybody inputs. I'm aware that i'm not going to be rich easily with staking but my aim is to have a better
understanding of the concept. I like learning:)
ETH is my favorite alt, but i don't mind staking others. Btw, why rewards differ greatly on alt? Indeed, i never seen
a decent reward with BTC staking...
Software and navigator plugins seem indeed easy to use and might be the best solution to start earning,
but they are "black" boxes to me. Ten years ago, i enjoyed mining BTC with a RaspberryPi 1 and 4 USB
asic miners...Those were the days:)
Noncustodial staking can be pretty easy. Details vary between cryptos, following is how it works in Blacknet, and it also should help with understanding in general.
Solo staking requires to run your own full node and hold some amount in the wallet. Check hardware requirements and install the computer program. Of course, periodically look for updates and that everything is OK.
Leasing to pool is the easiest way, but doesn't promote the decentralization of network. Basically, it requires only a lightweight wallet. We used to have a few pools, but at the moment there's none public.
Operating pool is an option too, however our stakepool software is not beginner-friendly.
I have a few questions. Would i have to download the whole blockchain to do solo staking? Also, why leasing to pool is
different from non custodial staking like blacknet? And more generally i would be interested to better understand the differences of these four concepts (non custodial staking, solo staking, leasing to pool and operating pool...
Thanks a lot:)