the private keys have to be in wallet import format (WIF) or in mini key format. WIF private keys start with 5, L or K. mini private keys start with S. Examples are given below: probably exports the private keys in WIF or plain hex format. I also believe it inserts spaces between the characters. If that's the case then remove the spaces before you import them.
If the priv keys are hexadecimal and not in WIF you can convert them using a python script or the electrum python console. I suggest creating a standard electrum wallet making sure to note down the seed then going to view menu > show console, switch to console tab and typing this in there:
bitcoin.serialize_privkey(bytes.fromhex(hexpriv), True, "p2pkh")
It'll then spit out your priv key in WIF which you can sweep via wallet menu > private key > sweep or import into a new wallet if you prefer.
When you're done be sure to clear the console history or your private keys will be saved in plain text to disk:
window.console.history = []
edit2: Thanks to
SombreNight for help with that last command which clears the console history!