Got one good main (looking to sell that) and like 8 pures (PvP).
I should log onto them to see what's still on them. Most of these accounts were made around 2004-2007.
My newest main (the completely maxed account) was a pure until I quit. Then my brother got 99 defence and finished off the terrible skills I avoided haha. (Woodcutters, mining, runecrafting. Barf.) I gave away so many cool accounts when I quit too. I had a 99 magic pure. 10 hp lol. Alched to 99.
I doubt this is going to be the right forum to sell these on haha but who knows. I heard that pures are useless now but idk much past the 2011/2012 era. I guess there was an 'evolution of combat'. No idea what it was about. Not going to bother looking into it haha. I don't have time to play games!
I know I gave away my first main and can't recover it. I hated it anyways haha the name sucked I was very particular with my names. No cptdude84629 garbage for me! The maxed account's username is 5 characters with 1 space. It could be changed to the original name though which had 3 spaces and is really rare to see nowadays (or at least when I quit).
We'll see if there's any interest here. I kind of doubt it, but I know what these go for kind of a waste of literally 300+ days of game time. My God I was a bored kid.
Edit: there's only about 300million or something left. I guess he said he spent a lot on fast ways to get 99s that didn't used to exist. He told me what they were but it was in one ear and out the other. I have no idea what he was talking about haha. The game changed too much. Back in my day you took your green dragonhide legs and vambs, make hat and top, you went out and you pked some noons for their run scimmis. Those were the good ol' days
Well, I think there are still a lot of people interested, but I'll PM you with a forum that's much more interested in this kind of thing.
Pures on RS07 (Oldschool servers) are still very popular though, but the RS3 accounts are mostly for PvM these days.
I do have to say that I'm willing to buy the 300 million from you. I still got some friends that would be happy with that.
I'm just going to sell it as a package deal with my old main. I think people will probably want some spending money when they buy an account with that high of stats. If not then I'll be looking to sell off the cash too of course.
Feel free to PM me on how much you want for the account. I'm interested.