At my current hash rate I should be getting 1 share every 7-8 hours or so.
This guy only got 156 Kh/s on a Beaglebone. Doesn't a Beaglebone have a slightly better processor than a Raspberry Pi (ARM 11 vs. ARM Cortex A8)?
Hmm. Ok. 1 share per 7-8 hours, lets be nice say 7.
Guy on BTCGuild overall has 1,589,694,471 shares, with a Pi that would take 11127861297 hours, or 463660887 days, or 1270303 years, or 1,270 millenia.
Same guy has a speed of 3,651.67 Gigahash. We run a 0.000976563Mhash or on the same scale 9.5367e-7 GHash. So we only need 3829070852 Pi's to match his speed! Or roughly $134017479841.
But that's only .8% of our (USA) national debt. Congress should look into getting some Pi's?