I am looking for a PHP example to make use of the Nova Exchange API.
Each request send to the server need to be signed, the example provided is for Python;
import time
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import requests
public_set = set([ "markets", "market/info", "market/orderhistory", "market/openorders" ]) # optional
private_set = set([ "getbalances", "getbalance", "getdeposits", "getwithdrawals", "getnewdepositaddress", "getdepositaddress", "myopenorders", "myopenorders_market", "cancelorder", "withdraw", "trade", "tradehistory", "getdeposithistory", "getwithdrawalhistory", "walletstatus" ])
url = "https://novaexchange.com/remote/v2/"
def api_query( method, req = None ):
url = "https://novaexchange.com/remote/v2/"
if not req:
req = {}
if method.split('/')[0][0:6] == 'market':
r = requests.get( url + method + '/', timeout = 60 )
elif method.split('/')[0] in private_set:
url += 'private/' + method + '/' + '?nonce=' + str( int( time.time() ) )
req["apikey"] = API_KEY
req["signature"] = base64.b64encode( hmac.new( API_SECRET, msg = url, digestmod = hashlib.sha512 ).digest() )
headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
r = requests.post( url, data = req, headers = headers, timeout = 60 )
return r.text
# Eample usage:
# Public:
# print api_query( "markets" )
print api_query( "market/orderhistory/" + "LTC_DOGE" )
Any assistance appreciated.