this is really actually problem. but i don't understand, how something can help to defense this? people in real word solve this issue in court. but in e-world, you probably can't find anyone.
NPER is building a
secure and fast IP peer-to-peer trading platform based on block-chain and the smart-contract.
IP can be a safe asset as it is protected by law for a long period of time (some up to 70 years++).
We believe that
it is very unreasonable for a few to monopolize markets with a sizable scale and a relatively small risk.
Therefore, we should create a chance to
decentralize such large valuable market and open up the opportunities for the everyone to participate in the IP market.
Combining blockchain technology into IP industry can easily extend the opportunity to participate in this tremendous market.
It can transform a centralized copyright industry into a decentralized industry in which larger number of people can divide its value and have own right through the participation and decentralization process.
Creators have little to do with their works, even though IP is their rights and assets. They just have to wait until their works to be sold.
some creators would like to finance their IP ownerships for sale or lease, either for other creative activities or for any other reasons.
NPER recognizes creators' IP as an asset and, purchases it and turns it into a digital asset called NPER coin.
In this way,
we can share the value of creators' intellectual property rights and present a new business model that utilizes the cryptocurrency.If you purchase or lease ownership of an IP, you could expect for royalty incomes accordingly.
The corresponding royalties revenues are transferred to the people who voted for polls in the community, or to those who participated in PoS nodes through airdrop as a reward within the NPER wallet.
However, trading an ownership is not commonly happening in the global market so far, so it is not easy to estimate the value of it.
Thus, you have to evaluate the value with a few criteria, such as the average annual royalty income earned by the IP, the duration of the rights and so on.
Since it is a new market, NPER's criteria can be used as a common standard in the IP proprietary trading market.
if someone could register the IP and sell in the NPER global peer-to-peer trading network, the airdrop ratio for the royalties revenues for NPER coin holders is expected to get higher.