Adm. Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, also said that the terror group's recent efforts to use cyber capabilities as a weapons system rather than only for recruiting and spreading ideology is a "great concern" to the NSA.
more horseshit...
My bs meter is pegging. Pure propaganda to build a justification for doing anything in the name of defeating 'ISIS'. As per usual, there's likely some down and out nobodies that are feelin the isis bunk and those are the ones that the NSA should be focusing all attention on and nothing more.
I am not the biggest fan of America's politics, but come on, what the hell are ISIS's views that are resonating?
Killing the infidel? Beheading innocent people on TV? Generally killing innocent inhabitant of towns and cities that happen to be nearby?
I don't beleive for a split second that the views held by ISIS resonate with any fair minded people.
I don't understand ISIS's gameplan, they seem to want to draw America into a conflict that ISIS will obviously lose.. but why?