
Topic: [NSFW] Sleep Music on the Radio (Read 548 times)

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June 29, 2013, 12:35:26 PM
This is a mild erotica, but it is a dream I really had.
The woman the dream is about is a phonesex Mistress but I do not work for/with the company nor am I linking to it.
It was one of my better dreams, just sharing it. If a mod says this is not appropriate, I'll respect that and not do it again. Content is PG13.


Last night I had a dream. I was going to be a guest on Hunter's Cock Radio show.

Empress Hunter use to do a weekly Cock Radio show, it was a lot of fun. She's currently not doing it, but sometimes she shows up as the Monday Mystery Mistress.

Anyway, Hunter came to pick me up to bring me to the studio. I don't recall what kind of car of it was, but Toyota Camry style anyway - nice sedan. She was wearing a dress very much like her *company website* profile dress - except it was uni-color.

As we were heading towards the studio, she said she was hungry, would I mind if we went through a drive thru? I was a little bit worried about being late to the studio, and expressed that, but she pointed to her console and said `I have a radio here, we won't miss the show.' - somehow in dream world that made perfect sense to me, and I sometimes get hungry when I'm nervous and I get nervous around beautiful women and even more-so when they are showing off their perfect legs. Yeah, I was hungry, so yeah, going through a drive thru sounded awesome. I started to reach into my pocket for my wallet and she stopped me and said `No, I got this. I don't think Mr. Hunter would like you buying me lunch.'

That struck me as odd, I didn't think Mr. Hunter would care one way or the other. I've never met him but I've always thought of him as somewhat laid back about these sort of things, too cool to let innocent things get to him. But maybe she just wanted to pick up the tab, I wasn't going to argue. I like to pay when eating out with a woman, even in non sexual contexts, even if I wouldn't jump her bones if she begged me to. It's just the way I am, I would say the way I was raised but that might be a lie because I don't remember ever being taught that. Some women have told me it actually is a chauvinistic attitude, as if the woman needs to be taken care of, but that's not why I like to do it. I like to do it because it's my way of putting giving honor to them, that honestly is what goes through my head, that they deserve to be treated well. But if she wants to pay, it would dis-honor to insist, so I'm cool with that too.

What was going through my mind, and I think too much even when I dream, was that maybe she was giving me a message. By mentioning Mr. Hunter and paying, she was dropping a hint that today I was just a guest on her radio show, not to get un-realistic expectations about anything else.

The drive-thru was kind of a mixture between Mel's Diner and In-N-Out, at least the architecture of the restaurant. It definitely had the 50's-60's flare thing going on, but there were no places to park where girls on roller-skates would come out to take your order.

As we were waiting in line, Hunter started some conversation. It led to the dress she was wearing, and she said

`Mr Hunter thinks this dress is too short, that it shows off too much leg. What do you think?'

I looked down at her legs, her beautiful tantalizing tempting legs. Yes, the dress showed off a lot of leg, and I mean a lot of leg, but I wasn't about to say too much. So I replied

`The dress is absolutely lovely, and no, it doesn't show off too much leg.'

As soon as I finished saying that, she starting wiggling around in her seat and hiked the dress up even higher, and said

`How about now?'

I couldn't answer. I was starting to sweat, I could feel the sweat beading up on my forehead and I was sure she noticed it. I put my right hand on my chest, I could feel it beating, racing a mile a minute, I was seriously worried I was going to pop a boner. Would she take that as a compliment or would she kick me out? Her legs looked so sexy, I had to look at something else, so my eyes went up her dress - right at her cleavage. Wrong move Alice, wrong move. My eyes couldn't help themselves, I knew it was obvious to her I was looking down the front of her dress but at the same time I could not move my head away. I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead, I was starting to worry about my deodorant failing.

Finally I mustered up enough will power to look away, and as I did, I could hear her snickering to herself.

Fuck me, why hadn't I ever learned to play guitar? Oh god I wish I had learned to play guitar. Instead I wasted my youth chasing after frogs and snakes and lizards and scorpions and other things that creep most women out, too short sighted to see the long term benefits of learning to play guitar.

We pulled up to the order microphone, and a young man asked what we wanted. Hunter laid it on thick, sexy sultry voice, starting with `Hey ba*by' and just continuing, it was the hottest thing I had heard all day. If I had been taking the order, I know I would have been cumming my pants. Hell it was hard for me not to just hearing it.

When she was done ordering, she looked at me and said `They have a hard job and they are paid sh*t wages, I like to brighten their day. And when I do that, they usually get the order wrong resulting in free food.'

I could imagine. I wouldn't be able to focus if I was taking the order. I wasn't able to focus now. But part of me thought the real reason she did it was to drive me bat sh*t crazy, and if that was her motive, it was working. I was hard, I was rock hard and there was nothing I could do about it and I no longer cared. But I didn't understand, she had brought up Mr. Hunter and refused to let me pay sending me a message, so why the fuck was she then doing these things that she had to know was driving me completely bananas? I didn't know what was happening to me.

We got to the window, and sure enough, they fucked up the order. The poor guy, he looked so excited when the car was pulling up but then he saw me in the passenger seat and I could see the disappointment in his face. On the one hand, it made me feel good, boosted my ego that he clearly assumed I was with such a fine goddess but on the other hand, I empathized with him, because I was going through exactly the same thing he was going through - completely turned on by a hot sultry siren yet knowing there was no shot because another guy who already had her attention. Yet even knowing that, I know I would rather be teased than not teased, even with the disappointment, and I was guessing the guy at the window felt the same way. Hunter knew that, too.

They asked us to pull the car around again so they could get the order right, and handed Hunter the part of the order that was correct. There would be no charge due to the inconvenience, but Hunter insisted on paying for it. She had just told me she could get free food that way, but actually getting the free food wasn't her motive. She just wanted to prove that she could, even though it meant things would take longer.

She pulled the car back around and got in line again, and she kept flirting. Moving her legs, adjusting her cleavage line. Was she actually coming on to me or did she just want to prove to herself that she could drive me crazy? She already knew she could, I knew there was no way she hadn't noticed the raging erection in my pants, but she kept doing it. Maybe she wanted to see if she could get me to cum in my pants? If I came in my pants for her, I would then be honoring her, letting her know that she still had it, that would be the gentleman thing to do. I started to edge.

Then it suddenly dawned on me, what the fuck? Was I just making an excuse to permit myself? Telling myself it was the right thing to do because it was what I wanted to do and not because it was actually the right thing to do?

No, I couldn't do it. I hadn't asked permission, and without permission to cum, I couldn't come. But could I ask? This wasn't a date, this wasn't a phonesex session, she was just picking me up to drive me to the studio. What right had I to turn this into something erotic? What right had I to ask if I could cum?

I was getting more nervous, more twisted around, and that made me hungry. The smell of the french bread already in the car was making it worse. Would be OK if I started eating? Did she even allow eating in the car, or was the plan to take the food into the studio? I looked around the car to see if there was any evidence of her eating in the car in the past. I didn't see any. Either she didn't eat in the car or she cleaned up when she did. I didn't see any stains on the upholstery from spilled sauce or drinks, but maybe she just had the car detailed.

Would it be OK to ask if I could eat? Or did I want to ask if I could eat only because I knew I couldn't ask if I could cum?

Hunter kept teasing me. She already had to know she had me, I was hers, what if she wanted me to come on to her? If I came on to her, if I flirted back, would it make it harder for me to keep my cock from exploding? Was this going to turn into one of those cases where 3 years from now, I found out she wanted me to rip her dress off and take her right then, right there, and I blew my shot forever? But if I did that, what if I read the signals wrong and I fucked things up?

Fuck, how the hell was I suppose to know?


I woke up. Morning wood fully raging. Part of me wanted to rub one out, but no - if that had been her intent, she would have me do it in the dream where she was in control, not after I woke up and regained control.
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