Just imagine what will be the consequences. Entire Pakistan and most of the parts of India will be destroyed. Millions of people will die there may be no life / crop for hundreds of years. Experts say the picture will be vary dangerous if it happens. Half the ozon layer will be destroyed. Entire Asia will come under the foggy layer and the reach of Sun rays will be very much low. Life will be bitter than hell.
We should not forget the tragedy happened in Japan.
I pray God please direct our leaders to the right path. Wish war never happens.
Yep, I hope that anything will be fine.
Many people talking about Russia nuclear threat or China but really, it's to fucking idiotic to think that russian elite with their sons and grandson which almost live in Western countries (and of course, money from Russia mostly concentrated in England and USA) will start nuclear war. The same with China (but not so much regarding to Russia situation).
In contrast to this, Pakistan/India conflict where elites and ordinary people separated can really turn to hot phase with nuclear strikes.