Please try to think a little deeper about what you read in the Koran. God created everything, right? And He knows everything, right?
We know from experience and experiment, that everything operates by cause and effect (Q&E). This means that whatever you do, something happens based on exactly the way you do whatever you did. And it works like this with everything that happens in the world... everything was caused by something else to be the way it is, and everything that happens causes other things to happen in the exact way that it affected them.
What does this have to do with God? God made it all to happen at the creation. He set out all of creation so that it works the way it does in perfection. The laws of physics that He created operate without change. And since God knows it all, He was aware right from the beginning of all the causes and reactions that would happen throughout all time.
God cares about it all... even what Biden and others think... even about nuclear attacks and every scrap of pandemonium in a nuclear explosion. Why and how? Because He set it all up to operate exactly the way it does.
But what does Islam care about? Take a look at how the Religion of Peace is really a Religion of Violence - - loads of Koran examples.
That is very silly to say. You are always speaking of "God", under the Christian Mythology, but the fact is you ignore even your "sacred" texts. The Bible is full of violence, abuse, discrimination and pretty much every ugly thing that the modern societies are trying to get past. We are talking also genocide yes.
Islam as anything else, can be used to control simple minds and give a sense of purpose (many times the wrong one) to people who are lost and left behind.
And since this topic is about Biden, I think Biden should help promote a better understanding of the open-minded versions of Islam. There you are.
I'll be truthful. I certainly don't understand everything about being a Christian. Some of my understandiong may be a bit mythological. But the basics of Christianity are not mythological.
The New Testament is the part of the Bible that we live under today. There is not any Christian violence listed in the NT. There is other violence, but no Christian violence. There are people that are Christians, are mistaken about what Christianity is ( use Christian mythology), and absolutely DO violence. Christianity is about invitation, but not about force.
Islam is different. Every place where people don't accept Islam, Muslims will do their best to force people to become Muslims. If you don't see it happening in a land, it's because the Koran tells Muslims not to use force if there is too much resistance to have success in that land.
Since this topic is about nuclear attack fakery, it certainly isn't about Christianity. If it were about nuclear defense, then it might possibly be about Christianity as well - self protection. But it could easily be about Islam since, contrary to its popular description as a 'religion of peace', Islam is really a 'religion of violence'.