The advent of the blockchain technology brought about a lot of advantages that were hitherto not possible with the traditional methods of doing business online. Blockchain brought about speed of transaction, trust, security of data, Proof-of-Credit, Smart Contract, etc. thereby making it seamless to transact online business and protect your personal data.
However, blockchain also has its own challenges which include some level of insecurity, lack of trust, interoperability problems, hacking, and a few others which have deliberately slowed down the speed of progress of the technology. bridging the is closing the gap between the disadvantages and the advantages of using the blockchain technology and bringing back the confidence that users have been craving. How exactly are they able to disrupt the status quo? Here are some of the things they are doing differently:
Multiple chainsNuls makes it possible to exchange data and value among chains as well as provides space for extensive application and make performance better. With this technology, the difficulty in exchanging data among chains which has characterized the ecosystem is now obliterated.
In addition, Nuls helps to modularize (reduce the complexity of blockchain) and create multiple chains to increase flexibility. The creation of modules makes the system easier to use.
Smart ContractsTrust remains a major issue when doing business. Why? People can easily renege their promises or disappear with your money without fulfilling their own side of the bargain. However, Nuls provides Smart Contracts, which means that you no longer need much programming to define service logic. With Smart Contract in place, both sides are compelled to fulfill their terms. Since Nuls runs its logic from NULSVM in a decentralized environment, it is difficult for anyone to manipulate. provides a solution to the scalability issue that is common with so many blockchain platforms. It constantly improves its network technology, encryption algorithms, storage systems, and independently upgrades its modules for uninterrupted improvement and make things more scalable.