I have started a small market in NXT within Ripple. https://xrptalk.org/topic/720-trade-nxt-nextcoin-on-ripple/
I have quotes for NXT/XRP which allows for automatic conversion to USD, BTC, CNY, etc. Pretty cool actually.
Since ripple uses a distributed ledger (similar at high level to bitcoin blockchain), I don't think a Ddos attack is practical. To my knowledge ripple is the only distributed altcoin exchange and when NXT releases its peer to peer trading sometime in January, it will be the second.
I just found out about NXT today, so I was pretty late and only could purchase in the open market. I simply don't have enough inventory to make a liquid enough market. Clearly dgex shouldn't be the only exchange for NXT. While it may be a bit redundant to have ripple when the peer to peer trading is there, a month in crypto is like 7 years in the real world!
I hope to be able to help create an active NXT market within ripple, but for that I need help. Primarily I need somebody the community trusts to back the NXT within ripple. I am a total newbie to NXT, less than 8 hours, so I can't expect anybody to trust me with their NXT and I don't want that responsibility anyway.
All this respected person would have to do is:
1) create ripple wallet
2) send me NXT within ripple, that is how ripple balances (IOU) are created, just by sending it
3) publicly state that ripple NXT balances will be redeemed.
There still needs to be some details worked out as I think there should be some sort of escrow acct that any NXT that is deposited into ripple is put into. That way, it is arms length away from me. When somebody puts in a redemption request, I would send that request to the escrow agent who does the actual exchange of the ripple balance for the NXT. Basically two electronic transfers. Come to think of it TTbit's dividendrippler could do something like this pretty easily.
I am hoping for a positive community reaction to all this and to make it so there will always be a place to trade NXT
That is a great idea !
I would like to help you but I am a total noob in Ripple. I understand the idea but I never had more interest in it.