They did not even do anything. Didn't incentivize vaccination, only wasted a bunch of money by giving people who were already going to get vaccinated a chance at winning.
Vaccine lotteries, yes the shots are "Russian roulette", because some lots/batches are very deathly. Make sure you pay enough for your next booster to get Placebo (dummy) shot and do your part for science.
Anyway the next gridlock
and Canada
Glad I don't live in Canada as I'm sure that even though this a good thing that they are protesting Trudeau's mandate. However, it will cause supply chain disruptions mainly for Canada and the US along with any other countries that depend upon their physical goods for manufacture or redistribute. I just hope the people of Canada as well as the Truckers get through to that bone head and he backs off on this BS mandate. Hell even here in the states hospitals have had to back off the mandate for recently let go nurses as there was a shortage of them.