Six years of downgrading the US military, while pretending to support our troops. Six years spent alienating US allies and appeasing enemies. Claiming he had 'decimated'' al Qaeda, and had them 'on the run.' Calling Fort Hood workplace violence. And now...we´re supposed to believe that Barack Hussein Obama, who intentionally made all these calls, is suddenly serious about being commander in chief and destroying the muslim terrorists, and their supporters? Dream on.....
Obama to prepare US for military campaign in Syria against Islamic State
WASHINGTON -- US President Barack Obama will tell the American people on Wednesday night that he plans to order strikes against Islamic State forces in both Syria and Iraq until the group is ultimately destroyed.
The president's plan includes additional support for opposition militias in Syria vetted by the United States, which will serve as a ground force complementing America's air campaign.
Former Kurdish fighters or Peshmerga forces currently serve that role in America's air war against Islamic State in Iraq, holding cleared ground after US strikes occur. Obama has ruled out introducing US combat troops on the ground.