2009 = Satoshi releases Bitcoin. First bitcoiners.
2010 = Not much happened in this year.
2011 = Bitcoin becomes known to the outside world. Beginning of mainstream adoption. Dollar parity followed by first rise to $30. More bitcoiners.
2012 = Not much happened in this year again.
2013 = Interest in Bitcoin surges. Price rises from $13 to $265 in April then almost $1,300 in November. Way, way, way more bitcoiners.
2014 = Not much seems to happening in this year again. Price hasn't budged all that much. Interest is down from late 2013 levels.
So it follows that 2014 will probably be a rather disappointing year for Bitcoin (and indeed that has been the case). But 2015 should be an exciting year and we will see more interest and mainstream adoption happening in that year.
It can be true, not all the years must be crazy years for bitcoin, it will help to gain stability also.