There are various companies in India and overseas working on to provide simple and safe solution for merchants with off-blockchain transactions. I think, this is done for (1)eliminate transactions cost given to miners and (2) quick transactions facilitation. If I'm not mistaken then, Bitcoin separated from blockchain is just another virtual currency.
If this is true then, off-blockchain transactions will dependent on central authority just like VISA, Paypal, Mastercard etc. How? Lets assume, I manage to create hashcash which does not belong to original bitcoin pool and try to use it on off-blockchain economy. How are they going to verify these off blockchain transactions? I guess, single way to verify is by letting it pass through Bitcoin network. If it comes clean, then only they're valid coin else. Here, they're trying to eliminate 'verifying authority i.e. miners.' Isn't it?
When we'll be having large off-blockchain economy working and managing company would itself be centralized and need security like existing companies(VISA, Paypal etc) thereby escalating cost and risks associated.
Right back to where we started from?
Off-blockchain economy will grow at a time span of around every 10 minutes. But, for that Bitcoin must find mass acceptance at retail level. If u know what I mean
Seriously, I don't have clue what you mean. Can you please explain in detail? Sorry!