i am offering 100% visible places 468x60 and 728x90 and 300x250 for banner ads.
price: from 100.000 satoshis/30 days!
there is bidding system, and the page will rotate ads on every page view, based on your bid %
offering you an unique stats page with impressions
/ clicksmy awstats:
PM me with banner code / satoshi you want to invest / number of days and what banner size you want
your ad will be visible for 30 days, first 5 advertisers will get extra 30 days! it means 60 days ads impressions.
Bitfootball is an unique online manager/strategy game with bitcoin rewards.
All webpage has unique (my own) script and.
Alexa ranking is around 518k , but the page is only 2 months old!
Note: You can send satoshis via Faucethub.io , so tx fees will be 0
every ad place is on highly visible place:
example for ad impression tracking: