You must have collateral. Preferably well known altcoins including (but not limited to): LTC & DOGE. Non-collateralised loans will only be considered by those with extremely high trust and in extraordinary circumstances (ie. no newbies).Currently Available For Loan: BTC1I. Terms of the LoanThe maximum value of any single loan will be
BTC0.5. Loans must be repaid within
3 weeks (21 days) from the time when the loan is sent.
If loans are not paid back by that period - I, the lender, am entitled to claim the necessary collateral to make good (ie. fully repay & interest) on the loan. All else will be returned to the borrower.
II. CollateralCollateral will be accepted on a case-by-case basis but generally most altcoins will be accepted. The
minimum collateral is
110% of the value of the loan.
Collateral value will be judged according to the lowest price in the past week from any major altcoin exchange (ie.
III. FeesFees and loan duration are negotiable.
IV. EscrowEscrow is the optional (but highly preferred). All escrow fees will be undertaken by the borrower and the escrow will be agreed upon by both parties.