It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency,
since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site;
Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in -
your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency
so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
I just finished my history export code. Took me a while to get it working, I never did javascript before, so used a lot from stackexchange You can inspect the script (you should) to see it's legit I don't have the time to make code to process/filter the data, so that's up to you.
-------------updated:-------------- what it does: convert a chosen section of your bitfinex history to cvs and a json-encoded array.
Usage: -go to , if you use you need to change that in the code. -paste the code to your browsers (I advice firefox) scratchpad (for firefox : shift+F4) (for chrome : control+shift+j) and run.
then: Fill in the form. Click 'click me' ONCE to activate. The progress bar only works for firefox.
function makeTableHTML(myArray) { // var result = "
"; for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) { result += "
"; for (var j = 0; j < myArray[i].length; j++) { result += "
" + myArray[i][j] + "
"; } result += "
"; } result += "
return result; }
function getTable(txt) {
//convert string to dom-object-thing, from var tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); tempDiv.innerHTML = txt;
//find the table var dataSet = tempDiv.getElementsByClassName("history table table-bordered table-striped")[0];
return dataSet.outerHTML; }
// function tableToArray(table) {
//convert string to dom-object-thing, from and for learning me how to use jq var tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); tempDiv.innerHTML = table; table = tempDiv;
var myTableArray = [];
$(table).find('tr').each(function () { var arrayOfThisRow = []; var tableData = $(this).find('td'); if (tableData.length > 0) { tableData.each(function () { arrayOfThisRow.push($(this).text().replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,"")); }); myTableArray.push(arrayOfThisRow); } });
return (myTableArray); } //from function httpGet(theUrl) { var xmlHttp = null;
function getHistoryData(page, choice) { var html = httpGet('' + choice + '?page=' + page);
var count = html.match(/cloudflare/g); if (count !== null) { alert("cloudflare page was loaded... Refreshing page and try again"); location.reload(); }
var a = getTable(html).replace(/\n/g,"").replace(/ {2,}/g, ' ');
var b = new Array(); b = tableToArray(a); return b; }
function getHistory(min, max, choice) { var coll = [];
for (; min <= max; min++) { var a = getHistoryData(min, choice); updateProgress(); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
coll[coll.length] = a[i]; } }
return coll;
function addChoice() { var newHTML = document.createElement('div'); newHTML.innerHTML = '----------------------------------------------------
If your history-page-count of your chosen section is high, you should consider splitting the scraping into batches of eg 25 (just a guess), because the script could get issues with the cloudflare-protection. The output will be a box with a json encoded array and the box below cvs. You should make sure no trades or interest payments happen when the parser is active, so I advice to cancel all trades and to not run this script between 01.00 and 02:00 GMT. You should refresh this page if you want to scrape your next batch/section -Wassupia
Note: the progress bar on Google Chrome does not work, click "Click Me" only once and wait!
updated on: March 11
whiskey fund: 16pnBWFqyM5gCfMjTtpWYEv1hgVthehQEA
History sectionFirst page (>0) Last page (>0)CSVseparator
function updateProgress() { document.getElementById("uprogress").value = 1 + parseInt(document.getElementById("uprogress").value);
} function go() { var min = document.getElementById("FirstPage").value; var max = document.getElementById("LastPage").value; var choice = document.getElementById("choice").value; var separator = document.getElementById("CSVseparator").value; if (max < 1 || min < 1){alert("firstpage and lastpage can't be less than 1");return '';} if (max == "LastPage"){ alert('Fill in LastPage'); return ''; } addProgressB();
var history = getHistory(min, max, choice); printD(JSON.stringify(history), "jsonarray");
var csv = ""; for (var i = 0; i < history.length; i++) { csv += history[i].join(separator) + "\r\n"; } printD(csv, "csv");
} addChoice();
edit: meant shift+ F4, not altF4 lol edit 30 dec: spelling and return error if form not filled edit March 11 2014: updated script with latest history sections, added cvs separator choise + readme update
I am sure that is just an honest mistake, thats why i will show you in detail, why i am 100% certain that there is an error on you side.
Well, that's basically what Giancarlo said: Servers are upgraded, more than one database active, there will be short-term discrepancies in the numbers. Hold still for one, two days, until it's all migrated. There's a sheduled downtime exactly for this, you see:
Our platform will be migrated the 19th of December, at 16:00 GMT, for a downtime of 30 minutes. Thank you for your comprehension.
So, I take the freedom to answer this: Hold still, things will be resolved shortly.
thats what i would have done, but he answered me and said that nothing is wrong. And that is simple false. I just want an answer saying that indeed something is wrong with my account and that it will be fixed when the servers synch.
Ah, okay, I see your point. They will sort this out.
I am sure that is just an honest mistake, thats why i will show you in detail, why i am 100% certain that there is an error on you side.
Well, that's basically what Giancarlo said: Servers are upgraded, more than one database active, there will be short-term discrepancies in the numbers. Hold still for one, two days, until it's all migrated. There's a sheduled downtime exactly for this, you see:
Our platform will be migrated the 19th of December, at 16:00 GMT, for a downtime of 30 minutes. Thank you for your comprehension.
So, I take the freedom to answer this: Hold still, things will be resolved shortly.
thats what i would have done, but he answered me and said that nothing is wrong. And that is simple false. I just want an answer saying that indeed something is wrong with my account and that it will be fixed when the servers synch.
I am sure that is just an honest mistake, thats why i will show you in detail, why i am 100% certain that there is an error on you side.
Well, that's basically what Giancarlo said: Servers are upgraded, more than one database active, there will be short-term discrepancies in the numbers. Hold still for one, two days, until it's all migrated. There's a sheduled downtime exactly for this, you see:
Our platform will be migrated the 19th of December, at 16:00 GMT, for a downtime of 30 minutes. Thank you for your comprehension.
So, I take the freedom to answer this: Hold still, things will be resolved shortly.
2000 LTC dissapeared from my account.. I am seriously concerned at this moment.
They dont appear under withdrawals, open orders, closed orders, other wallets. Just nowhere...
I sent an email and hope for the best
Description Credit Debit Balance Date Canceled withdrawal request #39646 on wallet trading 200.0 200.0 10 minutes ago Litecoin Withdrawal #39646 on wallet exchange 200.0 3562.51394133 about 1 hour ago Exchange 100.0 LTC for BTC @ 0.0266 on wallet exchange 100.0 3762.51394133 about 1 hour ago
So i should have 3562,5 on Exchange and 200 on Trading.
I have:
200 on Trading (from the canceled withdrawal) and 1562,5 on Exchange
Looks like an order i Canceled or something just went missing after i closed it...
Thats 24000 $
This is still not resolved. I am getting very nervous over here ....
as previously stated, today we experienced discrepancies in the transaction ledger. We are moving from one datacenter to another and indexing went wild this morning. I went thru your transaction ledger and I see no problem in it. Showing an error that appeared for a couple of minutes and was promptly corrected by an index synching will not help you in getting anything.
For your reference the moving will go on also during the next days and you might experience the same problems.
Trading fees for 14.8912 LTC @ 11.0 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.24570529 1864.10172209
//Sold with trailing stop
Position #51612 closed @ 13.3501 on wallet trading 11.99414261 1864.34742738
I sold all my LTC on 13.3501
//Bought On margin
Trading fees for 0.0044 LTC @ 11.0 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.0000726 1852.35328477 Trading fees for 78.5689 LTC @ 12.0 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 1.41423955 1852.35335737 Trading fees for 50.0 LTC @ 12.51 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.93825 1853.76759692 Trading fees for 130.0 LTC @ 12.05 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 2.34975 1854.70584692 Trading fees for 1.6522 LTC @ 11.5 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.02849996 1857.05559692 Trading fees for 10.76 LTC @ 11.5 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.18561046 1857.08409688 Trading fees for 1.0523 LTC @ 10.4 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.01641581 1857.26970734
I bought LTC on different buy orders but average its around 12.30
I bought at 12.30 sold at 13.35 * 160+ coins = 160 dollar profit Profit Difference is almost a dollar, i also saw around that figure round the time it sold.
how come i got only 11 dollars ?
What matters here is the "trades" tables ("buys" and "sells" on your history). Otherwise, in your order history, please look at the average execution price of the selling orders.
If it is still not clear, could you give me your username and I'll help?
That has to be seen, to be honest till this day its one of the best exchanges there is. But I lost allot of money because of the servers crashing yesterday and today. It's so frustrating it happens always on "key" moments.
Could not close my positions everytime shit his the fan and turning profit in loss because of the dramatic change but could not act because sometimes it takes 5 till 10 minutes before you can do something again.
Told the support about it, waiting for an answer. I hope they will be fair
[..] As such, we are not operating inside China, the accounts in the Shanghai special economic zone are off-shore, therefore technically outside China. Aside from that we also have accounts in Hong Kong, with most of the funds, so operations will not be affected by changes in China. [..]
How does bitfinex itself transfer funds to/from Bitstamp? bank wire of USD or 3rd party service?
bank wire
Giancarlo Bitfinex Team
Care to explain my i right or wrong... ?
I wish I could, but I really don't understand what you mean.....
Giancarlo Bitfinex Team
What went wrong here i dont get it
Trading fees for 14.8912 LTC @ 11.0 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.24570529 1864.10172209
//Sold with trailing stop
Position #51612 closed @ 13.3501 on wallet trading 11.99414261 1864.34742738
I sold all my LTC on 13.3501
//Bought On margin
Trading fees for 0.0044 LTC @ 11.0 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.0000726 1852.35328477 Trading fees for 78.5689 LTC @ 12.0 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 1.41423955 1852.35335737 Trading fees for 50.0 LTC @ 12.51 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.93825 1853.76759692 Trading fees for 130.0 LTC @ 12.05 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 2.34975 1854.70584692 Trading fees for 1.6522 LTC @ 11.5 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.02849996 1857.05559692 Trading fees for 10.76 LTC @ 11.5 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.18561046 1857.08409688 Trading fees for 1.0523 LTC @ 10.4 on BFX (0.15%) on wallet trading 0.01641581 1857.26970734
I bought LTC on different buy orders but average its around 12.30
I bought at 12.30 sold at 13.35 * 160+ coins = 160 dollar profit Profit Difference is almost a dollar, i also saw around that figure round the time it sold.