In March BitPay had over $5 million in sales go through the site. Silk Road had around $2 million.
How many times can we school him before he gets it through his head?
everything you read on the internet is the gospel truth and you are right. i am defeated you win. just like how bitfloor obeys federal laws like a bank ashley. stupid c
I know you are but what am I? If you're so convinced that what Elwar said was a lie, go look up the stats yourself and prove him wrong. I dare you.
You know what? I
triple dog dare you. You can't complain about people taking data at face value when you expect people to take your opinion at face value which you haven't actually backed up with any hard data or facts...
By the way, I'm not sure how the BF exchange has anything to do with Silk Road's effect on bitcoin price... but FYI, banks do not follow federal laws. I am surprised that you made such an assertion. For someone who's obviously so well educated and knowledgeable about economics and finance, I'd think you'd realize that banks have been tied to everything from money laundering to LIBOR manipulation to naked shorts for the past god-knows-how-many years. Banks do not follow federal laws, period, end of story. Get a clue.
For comparison, BitPay processed $170,000 in May and hit a record of $250,000 in one day with Butterfly’s ASIC launch. BitInstant transferred $1.1 million in April, and MtGox had a trading volume of $18 million these last 30 days, although the latter figure is hardly comparable to the others because the vast majority of Bitcoin exchange trading volume is a result of arbitrage and speculation. Silk Road’s revenue compares even better: while BitPay’s commission of 0.99% brought in $1,700 and BitInstant’s 0-5%, at most $60,000, Silk Road’s average commission of 7.4% nets the site over $180,000 USD per month, exceeding even the $45,000 to $108,000 earned by MtGox.
this is from last year. BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!