
Topic: (old coinchat unban appeal, for reference) (Read 2442 times)

hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
July 15, 2013, 02:03:41 PM
Sigh, if it makes you stop buggin' people about it...
It doesn't. Smiley I just like nice signatures.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla auctor accumsan sem, aliquet porttitor nunc facilisis et. Vivamus adipiscing est quis magna venenatis elementum eget sit amet elit. Aliquam ut massa ut sapien imperdiet lobortis. Nullam hendrerit quam ac nibh pharetra, id eleifend ante imperdiet. Vivamus nulla dui, scelerisque ac sapien ut, cursus viverra turpis. Vivamus tempus condimentum ultrices. Maecenas pulvinar dolor vitae nisi placerat pretium. Donec hendrerit, tellus sit amet consequat blandit, sem turpis sollicitudin nisi, non viverra tellus massa consequat elit. Cras semper enim vitae dignissim cursus. In vitae justo scelerisque, adipiscing turpis vel, posuere neque. Maecenas facilisis nisi in justo egestas, quis fringilla elit iaculis.

Nulla facilisi. Maecenas congue massa lacinia quam sodales, a dictum risus bibendum. Sed bibendum arcu nec nibh volutpat, in hendrerit est tempor. Duis hendrerit elit nisl, in ullamcorper arcu viverra posuere. Nullam ultrices arcu in ante ultrices, lacinia eleifend nisi adipiscing. Vestibulum at adipiscing tortor. Praesent aliquet fringilla quam sed fringilla. Proin laoreet enim et facilisis eleifend. Etiam id urna ut orci varius mollis. Etiam sed leo velit. Donec molestie lectus ut mi adipiscing, eget dapibus ante porta. Cras nec tristique turpis. Maecenas pretium convallis ultricies.

Integer eu quam lacus. Aliquam adipiscing rutrum enim vel auctor. Phasellus ut ante tristique, auctor tortor nec, tempus lorem. Nunc erat elit, gravida in lorem a, condimentum ullamcorper risus. Curabitur iaculis, mi et mattis venenatis, urna diam tincidunt arcu, at imperdiet tortor nisi sed lacus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed pharetra pretium pharetra. Cras a urna varius elit iaculis bibendum eget vitae odio. Suspendisse id sem at leo luctus faucibus. Vestibulum adipiscing odio vitae luctus placerat. Vivamus neque orci, dignissim et ullamcorper ac, mattis cursus mi. Pellentesque facilisis orci a massa porta, imperdiet cursus arcu vestibulum.

Praesent pulvinar gravida metus, in hendrerit enim pharetra ut. Nam vestibulum erat in quam vestibulum, et tincidunt ante vulputate. Mauris vel mauris magna. In egestas tristique urna ut tristique. Duis in luctus libero. Sed malesuada sem ut ipsum posuere, congue pretium leo scelerisque. Integer ligula ante, facilisis sit amet lorem pulvinar, suscipit dictum magna.

Nulla vestibulum nec tortor vel varius. Nunc rhoncus, lacus vitae placerat tincidunt, ipsum ipsum aliquam elit, vitae gravida turpis magna vitae enim. Curabitur lacus urna, euismod ac accumsan non, aliquam nec ante. Vestibulum ultrices diam a elementum varius. Suspendisse vel ipsum ac risus ultricies pulvinar. Pellentesque iaculis fermentum leo eu gravida. Donec vulputate ipsum tellus, et consequat erat posuere ac. Quisque fringilla felis in viverra lobortis. Aliquam turpis justo, consectetur sed interdum vitae, tincidunt in augue. Mauris volutpat porttitor nulla, eleifend varius tortor consequat quis. Suspendisse laoreet nulla risus, sit amet suscipit lacus tincidunt ut.

Duis vel lacus a justo pharetra ullamcorper. Donec sit amet mattis dui. Aliquam fermentum malesuada commodo. Curabitur urna purus, dictum sed tellus quis, mollis mollis felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam fringilla at libero et dictum. Praesent porta blandit elit, at sagittis nunc sodales nec. Curabitur posuere accumsan leo nec varius. Pellentesque non dolor felis. Nullam lobortis placerat leo ac pulvinar. Morbi ac blandit neque. Nam auctor magna eget pellentesque pretium. Cras at eros ante. Cras adipiscing purus adipiscing turpis tempus, eu volutpat velit molestie. Aenean laoreet aliquet tellus vitae pharetra. Aliquam tincidunt, urna at pharetra tincidunt, ligula elit condimentum nulla, nec cursus ante enim non nibh.

Vestibulum euismod nisl sed urna fringilla, ut semper dolor vulputate. Quisque nec velit consectetur, feugiat tortor sit amet, blandit metus. Maecenas non nulla purus. Aenean faucibus convallis metus, vel ullamcorper diam vehicula eget. Vestibulum mattis diam et sapien bibendum, id ornare elit aliquam. Curabitur vestibulum, ante et porttitor gravida, dolor urna varius diam, sit amet ultricies nibh felis eu ante. Praesent elementum lectus nisl, vel blandit neque imperdiet eu. Quisque tristique mi lacus, eu sodales lacus vulputate non. Donec egestas est sit amet velit venenatis adipiscing eget quis diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla sed dolor lorem. Pellentesque suscipit mi felis.

Curabitur porttitor tellus sed tincidunt bibendum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed consequat justo et mi sagittis, sed feugiat elit lobortis. Suspendisse nisl arcu, cursus non cursus at, semper at nisl. Morbi vitae dolor ut ante sodales molestie a sed est. Praesent vulputate felis turpis, ac auctor lacus pellentesque ac. Nullam sodales tristique lacus. Ut quis ligula nec felis commodo placerat rhoncus vel risus. Sed congue ultrices auctor. Nulla facilisi.

Nunc quis feugiat tortor. Maecenas ultrices sagittis risus, ut tempus felis fringilla eget. Donec at risus vel lacus vulputate commodo vel sit amet augue. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas laoreet orci a lorem porttitor tincidunt. Integer convallis sem justo, aliquam porta mauris ultrices a. Vestibulum eget viverra diam. Ut quis tristique dui. Nullam pharetra sit amet neque at interdum. Sed pulvinar ipsum at quam ultricies ultricies. Etiam quis mollis tellus. Pellentesque vehicula, lacus sit amet accumsan fringilla, leo dolor ultrices massa, et pellentesque sapien augue sit amet enim. Curabitur accumsan hendrerit sapien et dapibus.

Nam non massa et nisi dapibus mattis. Nulla interdum velit et justo euismod ultricies. Curabitur molestie cursus porttitor. Curabitur vehicula turpis eget urna accumsan malesuada. Nunc sit amet sapien a lorem ornare adipiscing sed sit amet ante. Mauris gravida tincidunt fringilla. Quisque ac tortor eu libero tristique posuere. Morbi convallis mollis orci sed sodales.

Mauris commodo consectetur mattis. Proin scelerisque lorem quis dolor pharetra accumsan. Etiam nec urna at magna tincidunt volutpat et ut mi. Phasellus imperdiet diam sit amet nibh laoreet, eu imperdiet justo posuere. Donec nisl sapien, convallis ac feugiat et, tincidunt pretium nisi. Duis congue congue dui sed eleifend. Aenean accumsan tellus tellus, quis bibendum mauris commodo at. In lacinia ut mi consectetur mollis. Nulla non sodales augue. Cras at pellentesque lectus, dictum tincidunt leo. Duis porttitor interdum tortor. Donec tortor ipsum, congue quis tellus vel, euismod iaculis risus. Etiam lobortis condimentum ornare.

Nam non diam risus. Vivamus non ultricies tellus. Morbi sit amet eleifend purus. Vestibulum auctor ut lacus sed eleifend. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce adipiscing placerat sem, pretium porttitor ligula accumsan nec. Cras ac velit iaculis, blandit purus et, consectetur nibh.

Nunc commodo magna eget massa dictum, sed lobortis erat venenatis. Curabitur at tellus libero. Aliquam nisl lorem, consequat id pellentesque eu, pulvinar lacinia massa. Phasellus adipiscing venenatis purus ut gravida. Quisque at orci sit amet elit luctus molestie quis quis nisl. Sed pellentesque lacus in nisi suscipit elementum eu ac ligula. Curabitur lobortis nulla et neque ultricies, sit amet iaculis nibh accumsan. Praesent et aliquet nisi. Sed varius libero neque, sit amet tempus massa scelerisque vel. Sed dapibus ornare hendrerit. Sed sit amet sollicitudin lectus. Donec lorem ligula, sollicitudin nec venenatis at, vulputate non sem. Nam consectetur, ante ac feugiat semper, nulla augue egestas turpis, quis hendrerit risus lacus a eros.

Etiam blandit semper purus, ac malesuada felis imperdiet vel. Nulla pellentesque arcu ac dui lobortis mattis. Fusce mollis tincidunt faucibus. Nulla molestie volutpat erat, vel eleifend nisi adipiscing quis. Morbi eget est imperdiet, tincidunt quam posuere, posuere justo. Donec tincidunt commodo dapibus. Vivamus velit lorem, lobortis et erat quis, dapibus consequat mi. Etiam posuere ligula et ipsum cursus, fringilla volutpat orci ullamcorper. Suspendisse ut tempor lectus. In commodo, erat sit amet gravida aliquam, justo metus placerat erat, eu posuere velit lacus ut diam.

In magna ante, lacinia ac porta fermentum, laoreet at elit. Aenean luctus accumsan congue. Ut luctus justo in lacinia varius. Sed eu fringilla justo, nec gravida lacus. Morbi a bibendum ipsum. Mauris ultricies sagittis risus, vitae interdum purus pulvinar a. Maecenas ultricies, justo id viverra pulvinar, neque risus rhoncus erat, sit amet suscipit ipsum nisi non risus. Proin vitae rutrum urna, aliquam dictum odio. Fusce in eleifend quam. Ut dignissim justo sit amet neque laoreet dictum. Nulla porttitor, enim nec pretium tempor, metus massa aliquet augue, at ornare urna ipsum quis urna.

Quisque consequat a dui vel cursus. In auctor malesuada justo, at elementum quam elementum ut. Integer urna lacus, ullamcorper quis turpis ac, tempor euismod ipsum. Donec consectetur lacinia dui, dignissim posuere nisi fringilla quis. Curabitur mollis risus tortor, non cursus tortor mattis ut. Nulla posuere quam bibendum, sollicitudin nunc vel, condimentum eros. Proin in venenatis velit. Vivamus quis elementum lectus. Suspendisse hendrerit iaculis ante, quis tincidunt ante molestie vel. Duis volutpat pharetra aliquam. Vestibulum sed pulvinar magna.

Sed porta vulputate fringilla. Vestibulum ac sem nec arcu dictum eleifend sit amet quis dui. Sed sit amet suscipit risus. Fusce elementum ultrices laoreet. Nullam eleifend sagittis urna eu interdum. Ut mauris justo, sodales aliquet velit sed, vestibulum commodo dolor. Morbi sed sollicitudin quam, semper ullamcorper felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sit amet odio neque. In vulputate sem tristique, vestibulum massa quis, vehicula mauris. Cras sapien lorem, scelerisque eu fermentum sed, blandit sed erat. Phasellus consequat massa vel tellus dictum, quis tincidunt lorem viverra. Sed et purus felis.

Fusce rhoncus facilisis sapien, at mollis urna aliquam non. Mauris eu eros malesuada, sagittis neque a, feugiat justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin in mi sed neque semper sodales ac et eros. Donec posuere euismod est et semper. Sed eget elementum lorem. Donec posuere dui in risus aliquam molestie. Integer eu ante sapien. Integer scelerisque, tellus eget ultricies consectetur, metus lectus lacinia risus, at tincidunt dolor quam a justo. Nam sodales erat sed scelerisque ultricies. Aliquam convallis est diam, blandit iaculis leo vehicula eget. Duis quis velit mauris. Duis dictum sollicitudin metus eu porta. Sed aliquam arcu nec augue suscipit accumsan. Donec pulvinar, elit eget ultrices pellentesque, nulla mauris vestibulum mauris, in imperdiet elit metus id est. Pellentesque faucibus nibh vitae tortor porttitor, ut rhoncus erat aliquam.

Aliquam nec ipsum nisi. Aenean a ultricies leo. Curabitur semper ipsum purus, eget sagittis velit lacinia vel. Curabitur in mi id nisi tristique gravida. Duis sit amet ultricies augue. Suspendisse suscipit ipsum vel purus malesuada, eget placerat enim ultricies. Praesent scelerisque tellus diam.

Nulla mattis tortor non placerat euismod. Sed pretium, felis vel euismod mollis, odio libero mattis arcu, ut eleifend tellus mi a ligula. Pellentesque vehicula pharetra quam, at volutpat eros eleifend id. Curabitur lacinia ipsum ut mi venenatis mollis. Nam non sapien non lectus aliquet iaculis id quis magna. Aenean at tempus neque. Quisque et tincidunt mauris, in blandit diam. Nunc pellentesque nulla dolor, ac volutpat dui cursus non. Quisque in justo sed arcu bibendum lobortis. Ut semper est tortor, non tincidunt risus blandit non. Maecenas ac congue lorem. Nam ac ligula sit amet dolor interdum sagittis. Mauris sit amet pharetra odio.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1118
I try to keep my signature nice and simple - like it? Smiley
It would have been fine back when only a handful of people were using colours in their signatures. Now that everyone is doing it all colours become annoying.

'ey man, I try to be modest! Tongue Going to be cutting down massively in August, once these terms expire >_<
Make that black colour into #470000:
[center][size=12pt][glow=#ef403d,2,300][b][url=][color=#470000]Free [BTC] for chatting! Click me, great community and great payouts![/color][/url][/b][/glow][/size][/center]

Also, your donate link:

BTC 1Diaz9

[size=7pt][glow=#FFBF00,1,1][b] [url=][color=#5A4500][btc] 1Diaz9[/color][/glow][/size]

Sigh, if it makes you stop buggin' people about it...
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
I try to keep my signature nice and simple - like it? Smiley
It would have been fine back when only a handful of people were using colours in their signatures. Now that everyone is doing it all colours become annoying.

'ey man, I try to be modest! Tongue Going to be cutting down massively in August, once these terms expire >_<
Make that black colour into #470000:
[center][size=12pt][glow=#ef403d,2,300][b][url=][color=#470000]Free [BTC] for chatting! Click me, great community and great payouts![/color][/url][/b][/glow][/size][/center]

Also, your donate link:

BTC 1Diaz9

[size=7pt][glow=#FFBF00,1,1][b] [url=][color=#5A4500][btc] 1Diaz9[/color][/glow][/size]

Activity: 1134
Merit: 1118
I try to keep my signature nice and simple - like it? Smiley
It would have been fine back when only a handful of people were using colours in their signatures. Now that everyone is doing it all colours become annoying.

'ey man, I try to be modest! Tongue Going to be cutting down massively in August, once these terms expire >_<
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1013
I try to keep my signature nice and simple - like it? Smiley
It would have been fine back when only a handful of people were using colours in their signatures. Now that everyone is doing it all colours become annoying.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
Is CoinChat that site that encourages people to include obnoxious visual pollution into their signatures, which subsequently causes me to add them to my ignore list?
The green 14pt coffee-cup styled-signature? That's the one. I try to keep my signature nice and simple - like it? Smiley
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1013
Is CoinChat that site that encourages people to include obnoxious visual pollution into their signatures, which subsequently causes me to add them to my ignore list?
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
How about "Who gives a fuck about CoinChat"?

The site sucks!

The people in the chat are arrogant, rude, closed-minded n00bs!

Nothing good comes from CoinChat.
Does that generalization include me?
sr. member
Activity: 439
Merit: 250
How about "Who give a fuck about CoinChat"?

The site sucks

The people in the chat are arrogant, rude, closed-minded n00bs

Nothing good comes from CoinChat

hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
[...] every living creature on the chat hates you. [...]
What is the source of this hatred? Is it something inherent to the type of people that use that [type of] site?

We don't appreciate that generalization.

Whiskers75 pen-tested the site 4 times (maybe you can find some kind of consolation in that, if you're still like "OOLFAELFALFWALFWAK TF IS SCAMMA"), abused mod powers, and ban evaded like 16 times.

And the long term effects are...?

That you should stop being a whiny dick, suck it up, and come back in a couple weeks.
You're suggesting that I'll be unbanned.
Also, that bet does still hold about me... Tongue
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1118
[...] every living creature on the chat hates you. [...]
What is the source of this hatred? Is it something inherent to the type of people that use that [type of] site?

We don't appreciate that generalization.

Whiskers75 pen-tested the site 4 times (maybe you can find some kind of consolation in that, if you're still like "OOLFAELFALFWALFWAK TF IS SCAMMA"), abused mod powers, and ban evaded like 16 times.

And the long term effects are...?

That you should stop being a whiny dick, suck it up, and come back in a couple weeks.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
[...] every living creature on the chat hates you. [...]
What is the source of this hatred? Is it something inherent to the type of people that use that [type of] site?

We don't appreciate that generalization.

Whiskers75 pen-tested the site 4 times (maybe you can find some kind of consolation in that, if you're still like "OOLFAELFALFWALFWAK TF IS SCAMMA"), abused mod powers, and ban evaded like 16 times.

And the long term effects are...?
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1118
[...] every living creature on the chat hates you. [...]
What is the source of this hatred? Is it something inherent to the type of people that use that [type of] site?

We don't appreciate that generalization.

Whiskers75 pen-tested the site 4 times (maybe you can find some kind of consolation in that, if you're still like "OOLFAELFALFWALFWAK TF IS SCAMMA"), abused mod powers, and ban evaded like 16 times.
sr. member
Activity: 472
Merit: 250
Never spend your money before you have it.
[...] every living creature on the chat hates you. [...]
What is the source of this hatred? Is it something inherent to the type of people that use that [type of] site?
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
Added a poll.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
You probably knew ban envading was nott allowed.... So why did you do it
Because it wasn't really ban evading, as he had said he'd unban me....  Undecided
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1029
You probably knew ban envading was nott allowed.... So why did you do it
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
so you got banned and every living creature on the chat hates you. instead of wasting your time making over 9000 alts and crying on a non related forum you could've just moved to another IRC.
I coded stuff for this thing. At least a week of time was spent on it.
It's hard to just move on like that.
Activity: 1764
Merit: 1000
so you got banned and every living creature on the chat hates you. instead of wasting your time making over 9000 alts and crying on a non related forum you could've just moved to another IRC.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
It's been 3 days, and no explanation.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
* whiskers75 wished he had made the topic self moderated

Edit: The thing I don't get is: Why am I currently banned?
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1118
Edit; don't use dis kids ref link, if you appreciate my work vs scammers, use this link:

This link cures the common cold!

It gives you a bigger dick!

And it cures the common cold!

true story

He just wants to win 5 BTC in the giveaway.

* DiamondCardz gave away 1 BTC in CoinChat over 2 days

I'm just trying to scrape 4th to make it back. Tongue
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
I don't see why you didn't just not ban evade in the first place and wait six hours... Was is really that hard?
I don't see why he punished me for evading when he specifically said he would unban me.

Your point is a good one: I was stupid. Tongue
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
Edit; don't use dis kids ref link, if you appreciate my work vs scammers, use this link:

This link cures the common cold!

It gives you a bigger dick!

And it cures the common cold!

true story

He just wants to win 5 BTC in the giveaway.
Activity: 1736
Merit: 1029
That really is sad.. But I find the admin, TF quite fair..
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
I don't see why you didn't just not ban evade in the first place and wait six hours... Was is really that hard?
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
Activity: 1134
Merit: 1118

Edit; don't use dis kids ref link, if you appreciate my work vs scammers, use this link:

This link cures the common cold!

It gives you a bigger dick!

And it cures the common cold!

true story
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 502
Doesn't use these forums that often.
Edit: I should mention that I've found a lot of bugs with this site. In fact, I've even found one now. (Can't PM TF about it!)
My reasons for being unbanned: (edit2)
  • Yes, I was annoying, but I didn't cause any long-term harm.
  • I've done the most things for CoinChat: creating bots, reporting bugs, etc.
  • TradeFortress hasn't even bothered responding to anything I've said.
  • I've never scammed anyone, DDoS'd CoinChat, or done anything of the sort.

This post is about CoinChat.
CoinChat is a chatroom with rewards for chatting, made by TradeFortress.
Join here: (this is the link to my custom client)

The story of whiskers75, CoinChat, WhiskChat, WhiskDiceBot and all his alts
Our story starts back in the old days when CoinChat was just starting.
I was trying to make it run without crashing, and ended up learning a lot.
In my experiments, I found I could spawn in mBTC, and reported this to TradeFortress, who fixed the bug.
TradeFortress had the idea of someone coding a bot, and I liked it.
So WhiskDiceBot (a clone of SatoshiDice) was born.
Note! The incredibly-popular bot, moobot, was NOT the first bot on the scene. Mine was!
Later, I had the idea of making a fun little custom client, which was named WhiskChat.
The bot and client grew and grew.
Let's fast forward to why I was banned.
I was first demodded (I had become a moderator) for muting everyone on the chat for 30 seconds because it was too crowded.
Then, I was banned for discovering a vulnerability and using it a few times to prove that I had indeed found it.
After some thought, TradeFortress sent me a PM saying I could be unbanned if I did not do this again.
I agreed, and hopped on the chat with an alternative account. Note that TradeFortress had not woken up yet, so did not unban me!
The moderators banned me.
Again, and again. (I ban evaded A LOT)
When TradeFortress FINALLY woke up, he was mad about me "ban" evading. As such, I was not unbanned.
So, I then continued to ban evade a lot, and finally I gave up.

Weeks later, I started ban evading again.
TradeFortress decided to unban me (again) and my bot.
Later, because I was hated by the community, I was banned again.

Now? I'm still ban evading, and still going strong, especially since the release of CoinChat v2.
TradeFortress has grown tired of my constant pleading via PM to get unbanned, and so I decided to release this to the public so you can decide on what I have done.

(Edit) Why am I banned again?

All my stuff is open source.
Here are the links:

WhiskChat Client code:
WhiskDiceBot code:
WhiskChat Client (hosted by GitHub Pages):
CoinChat official client:
CoinChat official client with my referral link:
The horrible MooChat client: (don't use this)
I don't have source code for moobot or the MooChat client, because there is none.

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