With an archive in 2011, the OP has less information than an edited post in 2012 by Maged.
Who is Maged? and why Maged edited that post?
I guess Maged used to be a forum moderator.
Yeah, still have them, though like was said, it would not be possible to sell them all at once and become an instant millionaire. No one is going to buy that many at once. I have kept my client running 24/7 since then though, managed to generate a bit more before the collective mining groups took over
Without the massive server farm I had going before, I'm just down to my personal desktop, so it's never gotten over the 371k since.
I do keep many, many backups though just in case
that wasnt the original post, its this
which had the screenshot as proof. although thats not the actual post i remember, though its fuzzy at this point. but I thought he made a post about his troubles with the company wanting the btc back or something along those lines.
Either way i guess we will never know exactly what happened, hard to belive someone trying to blackmail mitt romney one year, is donating houndreds of thousands of btc to wikileaks the next
Edit: here he explains how it went down and that they used amazon cloud as i remembered, also how he kind of scammed(questionable) his investor and bought the whole stash for 5k lol
also wikileaks only ever got 4000btc ish to their public wallets, so unlikely he donated it there.