3. In mid of June I got in touch with new owners of CSC and realized that infact there is newer version than I had from
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/anncsc-casinocoin-the-premiere-coin-for-casino-gaming-kimoto-enabled-258090 I recompiled it immediately and got huge discrepancy of CSC. New wallet's balance become 28944 CSC instead of 1356475 CSC it should have to cover user's balances and initiated withdrawals that sent to wrong chain. So now we have discrepancy of 1327531 CSC.
4. Solution is simple. I would like to request CSC dev to include this coins for c-cex customers to new blockchain. It is technicaly possible and dev is ok with that, but this needs to be aproved by CSC community.
I hope You will approve it and our customer's will be able to use their CSC that they should have.
I am not so sure yet, ... 1.3 million coins is quite a bit and i would like to know a bit more about those customers. Everybody active in the cryptocurrency knows by now that you need to be actively involved in the community if you either mine or trade certain coins in large quantities. If i have issues with my mining pool i am sure i would have to solve it myself and if i lost 1 million coins of users i would either have to pay those myself or loose all my users because of it. I do not think the community would rush to help me solve the problems, .... eventhough i have been supporting this coin from december onwards taking losses on running a pool that does not cover its running costs. But as i am into this coin for the long run as others supporting CSC i take my loss for now and hope it will give me an edge in the future if the coin starts to be profitable. So just giving the coins like that sounds a bit too easy for me! Anyway, ... in this case i would like to know:
- are we talking about 1 or 2 or a lot of customers that have their coins missing?
- are those customers prepared to disclose their identity (either to all or a few main coin devs)
- supply the transaction id's of the transactions in question here
If you or your customers do not want to supply that information publically i would want to receive that privately and investigate a bit futher the transactions behind those 1.3 million coins before deciding if i would agree to giving those coins.
Do not get me wrong that i know it is very important to have exchanges like c-cex onboard with CSC but we are talking a lot of coins here ...