Where all these people come from? Why people have to release a shit product only for the sake of releasing something unique about themselves? Is it just a big scam scheme? Someone should tell them they are not revolutionary, they are not special, they are just the next shitcoin on the asian market of sand castles. Those will never set the future only trash the present.
Remember that quality is always better than quantity, this is just a rant
There are two problems associated with this -
First, I think every forum and community has this problem, even reddit and twitter has these problems, but they allow the spamming upto some extent.
Second - in cryptos specially has this problem where users are not matured, there is a very small set of people in the world who understand crypto, so companies are selling crazily, where as they even do not whom they are selling, they are just doing it for the sake of it. ICOs reaised a lot money, so they are now spending lavishly on craze marketing, therefore there is spamming.