
Topic: On the right in USA to peacably assemble - CHALLENGE as depends on money (Read 351 times)

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The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

I want to start the process of peacably assembling with all 300 million usamericans in various combinations using the tool of money as we share through the internet to organize who will assemble with who else and for what purpose. Money is a tool known to be needed for getting big things done, and my challenge is to assemble in any size large enough to have an effect requires the practical speed of money flowing from anyone to anyone at the speed of speech instead of the speed of paperwork. We have been denied this dependency of the right to peacably assemble, and therefore request that we "petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances".

One way to handle this would be a class action lawsuit, the people of usamerica vs all "money transmitters" (legal phrase) which transmit money significantly faster between person and business than between person and other person. This difference is obviously larger. Payments to businesses happen while you slide your card or type its numbers in a computer. Payments between 2 people normally take days when crossing between different banks, so our right to peacably assemble based on that motivation toward some purpose of the assemblage is in effect only existing a fraction of the time, while most of the time we are unable to assemble and organize because we are unable to send money to eachother fast enough that attention toward that purpose remains while the rest of such group receives their money, only to find a far smaller assembly than we have the right to. This has led to nearly everyone putting their best efforts into an assembly called by only a few who sign their paychecks and the rule nearly always enforced by those few who call the assemblys that attendance and attention in their assembly must not occur around the same times as attendance in other such small assemblies, also known as "if you work here you cant work anywhere else, and your schedule is these 40 hours 5 days per week". Failure to assemble when called by these few results in inability to assemble with anyone, as they are all unable to reach eachother except through a tool held near exclusively by these few who call the smaller assemblies. To make matters worse, in recent years these people who were unable to assemble while denied assemblage with any of the smaller assemblages, created an internet tool which allowed them to motivate assemblage using the full power of money at the speed of speech through the shared network, and this was done in secret to avoid retaliation by the other paradigm of assembling in small groups who wish to reclaim their potential members into assemblies they are less interested in but are unable to find any better without the tool they had built. As the legal reaction to hiding this tool, it was fined 5 million dollars which caused such people to be afraid to use it again since they may lose what little ability to cause others to assemble they have. Then things returned to normal, in the many small assemblies called by the few, and wait for progress on further tools toward our assembly as we see fit without interference from those who fear the use of such tools weakens their ability to cause people to assemble in the smaller groups.

Money has been recognized as a form of free speech, which allows religious message to be printed on its paper form. Netneutrality law recently changed to require equal speed of all speech through the Internet. Since money is a form of speech, netneutrality by law requires that money move at equal speed regardless of its source or destination. We therefore request an official audit of these illegal systems of transmitting money with bias to who its from and to, to determine the cause of this illegal act, whether it be accident or by design, and if by design then the people of usamerica seek payment for damages to our estimated profits, in units of that moneyspeech, which we were denied by the (if intentional is the case) intentional slowing down of its passage between us, echoing loss of opportunities between eachother to build a better foundation of society or specific parts of the world. While thats very subjective, we estimate such loss as the standard interest rate accumulated over the sum of the excess delays multiplied by the total amount of such money which would have been tried to send between eachother had it not been for the knowledge that its a bad investment (if intentional is the case) as intentionally market manipulated in the form of not netneutral slower passage of money between these people. Assuming an interest rate of 10% per year, from when netneutrality including moneyspeech became the law, the people of usamerica are owed 10% of such transfers (or potential transfers avoided because its expected to be delayed) per year, from that recent date netneutral became law until whenever these moneytransmitters systems are repaired to again be legal, and we request the immediate freeze of all money transmitters found to be operating illegal equipment, hopefully leaving some of them for us to use until they are again legal. If this goes ignored for more than 30 days past when many people notify courts and these accused nonnetneutral moneytransmitters that they are operating equipment illegally, and if they continue to break those laws, then after such reasonable time we also seek criminal charges against the intentional act of using illegal equipment which has these large effects on the world. Following the repair of these systems, we want regular inspections of the netneutrality of the moneyspeech transmitted by these moneytransmitters to verify its neutrality of unbiased speed is within legal limits. In conclusion, netneutrality includes money as a kind of speech and therefore the flow of money between people vs between person and business has been found to be extremely not netneutral and is illegal, to the extent of damages we the people have suffered due to either the accidental negligence or intentional market manipulation of moneyspeech of any of the moneytransmitters. The subject of netneutrality is still up for debate since it is a recent experiment to be fine tuned, and we can accept some mistakes in this early experimenting with it, but continued illegal routing of moneyspeech is a crime against us all and could, if necessary, be explored into who knew about this crime and was an accomplice, specificly any employee of these moneytransmitters who sees this delay between 2 people more than between person and business, and they may all be called to court to answer for being a knowing accomplice to the crime, backed by the precedent that Enron employees were guilty even though they just followed orders to ignore these crimes in their organization and were paid with money gained through those crimes of falsifying records in Enrons case.
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