You like to search for hardware wallets from third sources, the last time was Amazon and now eBay, no matter how low the price of these devices is, buying HW from a third party who may tampering the components which considered dangerous
Yeah I know. Browsing Amazon and eBay for shit like this is what you might call a guilty pleasure, and I'm hoping threads like this aren't too annoying or distracting from all of the good stuff that gets posted in the HW wallet section. And please note that I would never consider buying any of the crap I've posted about. It's just that when I see morons selling tinker toys with "hardzware wa11et" written in crayon on the side, I feel like sharing it with the fine members of bitcointalk.
You just try and stop me!!
This user is scammer, when you connect the hardware wallet to electrum wallet, a small icon appears next to the green button, it does not exist in this screen shot, which means that the hardware wallet is not connected and that this user does not know anything about bitcoin.
He needs to improve his Photoshop skills.
What icon are you referring to? And by the way, I just noticed that the version of Electrum shown appears to be 3.3.8. I'm not sure if that jackass photoshopped anything, but I'm betting he copy/pasted that pic into his listing. I'm also wondering if you ordered one of these things if you'd even get any Electrum software on the cheap stick.