Great question. The short answer is - it depends
We currently have our resources and wordlists such that it takes between 12-24 hours to exhaust a given hash. For 'fast' hashes - this time is obviously shorter. For 'slow' hashes (i.e. WPA) - it can go to ~ 24 hours. Again - this is for exhausting the search. We search dictionaries (meaning actual dictionaries, lists of popular 'leaked' passwords, etc). So if it's a hit, it will be pretty quick. Once our system runs through those - we enter the 'wasteland' of brute patterns. We can afford to do more of these on longer lengths on 'fast' algos, and much less on 'slow' (WPA).
So this is why WPA is double the price - as well as why we offer a half refund for hashes not found. If the hash is on a password that is long enough/contains special characters/etc (i.e. all the good password practices that everyone should be using ) - it won't be found.
So yes, if you submit a hash - it would be a good test (for both you and us). Thanks.