Ontario your UNIVERSAL INCOME trial is going to FAIL
Your doing it all wrong..Now please don't you dare try and put that trial into place and say it never worked..
I am pissed off you even try and implement it the way your going to do it
Now do it MY WAY
PLEASE other wise it will fail..You will not get a proper reading of the
experiment so i will explain how it should be done and why..
And if you don't do it my way it's not a UNIVERSAL INCOME
And don't you dare try and CON me..
I know the proper way..
Lets get started..
You must give it to 3 groups ..Poor middle class very rich..
Now with the poor i want to see if it lifts their lives up as in less stress meaning less sick drugs healthcare
police and all the things that come with being poor..
And by the way MOST mental health problems are to do with MONEY..
What the parents feel can be passed onto their children ALSO getting called names for not having good things in life can help a child's mind ..
Like children calling another child TRAMPS because they have poor clothes with holes in them..
I want to see if the poor get lifted up and then seek a job or make something like good cakes and what not..
Because they are doing just ok in this day and age just about paying the mortgage and what not i want to see if they pay off the mortgage..
Plus they are the ones most likely to set up a new business because they have that bit more capital to try and do a business because the poor just need a foot on the ladder to live so will most likely find employment..
The the middle class can now think that more and try YES try because that's all you can do to set up a new business is try because many fail..
I want to see how many get from middle class which is a mortgage on a 3 bed home I want to see if the end up in a 5 bed home..
They don't need the money BUT i want to see if they become KIND and give it away making them more
humble in life ..
Meaning they say well i don't need this money i will give it for the kids to play soccer and put it toward
a new football pitch with flood lighting and the rest every week can pay for the up keep of this new
football pitch for the kids to do something and be together and playing..
I want to see what they do with the money ..maybe buy a bottle of wine
GREEDY people they are..
But just lets see the outcome..
I want to see the OVERHAUL outcome if this experiment and to see if it works and everyone is happy..
Hello mary how are you today on this LOVELY DAY..More of that
Instead here is mary lets get ready to rob her
Or here is mary the crack head lets sell some to her..
Do you understand
SO DON'T DARE do how you see fit do it how i see fit..
Or i will be pissed and call you all LIARS and CHEATS..
This UNIVERSAL INCOME will be coming because it's the only way to make this planet a happy one with
everyone wanting to kill each other..
Now some of you FUCKERS might like children getting BOMBED but i don't
Now some of you fuckers might like people being POOR but i don't
MY PLANET ..And i demand a happy one for all humans ..
Universal income ^^^^ LIGHT WILL SHINE^^^