What is the alternative? Corporate science at least is under
some sort of public, regulatory, and corporate scrutiny. Academic research, on the other hand, has been free to rot without any true oversight or audits. Over the past few decades it has mutated into the ultimate scam, source of irreproducible bullshit, and circle-jerk of awards and conferences. Most of modern-day graduate students and other researchers in sciences simply push random buttons and cluelessly repeat sloppy, uncontrolled experiments (disguised as "working hard") until one desired outcome appears - then sweep everything else under the rug, and struggle to sell the cherry-picked story as "science." Publish or perish.
There are rare exceptions, of course - scientists who design their experiments beforehand, and honestly report the outcomes. But there are exceptions among the corporate scientists, too.
The inflamatory article you linked to implies a dichotomy which is false; the real question here is not corporate-vs-someotherkindofscience, but good vs. bad science. Those among us directly involved, today, in scientific research will understand what I am pointing to.