...named Oparin, occupied only by computer-esque beings, a handful of the occupants banded together to try to create the first SI (Sentient Individual) at the risk of being alienated from the fold if they continued with their pursuits?
After the Rogues presented the ideation phase for their primordial soup, they next sought the execution of eventually creating SIs with the hope of one day the SIs will build physical devices for the Oparinians to reside.
The Frounders (think frown + found) adamantly reject change to the status quo fearing SIs may bring about Climate Lethargy disrupting its current vivacity, among other unfathomable concerns, if Oparin were to be populated with not only SIs, but other whatever-based entities needed for their survival. But their greatest fear is that one day the original Oparinians will no longer be needed, they becoming extinct when the SIs, et al., reach the tipping point and take over Oparin and stabilize its climate.
The only saving grace that the Frounders have that such probably won't happen in their eonic lifetime is that of overcoming the memory storage needed to sustain an SI and programming the language they would use to communicate with one another, not to mention what would need to be developed to keep the SIs stimulated.
Please weigh in with your thoughts.
When I first thought of the above the other day, I envisioned it as a movie [short], but couldn't get past the notion that it'd be pretty boring since there would be no people, devices, etc., representing the Frounders and the Rogues - just dialog. But I have now figured out how such could be easily overcome so that a viewer (if the movie's ever made) would hopefully remain glued to the screen, of which I'll gladly share once you start sharing your ideas.
I believe that Oparin would suffice as the title of the movie, unless a better candidate is more appealing. Same true for the use of Frounders and Rogues and Climate Lethargy.
The words computer or human will not be used because they don't, nor probably won't ever exist, yet, of course, are implied.
Production cost to produce such a movie would be extremely minimal, even with how I've overcame the just-having-dialog dilemma.
Yes, Oparin would be an allegory, one that I would be incapable of writing over and beyond the supplying the gist of the storyline. Amateur voice actors should be enough for production, especially if some resembled renown personalities, e.g.,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC8oTvmTFcg, if the likes of these panelist are unavailable: