Announcing this before it's even been released, without building up any trust at all, is not going to make people want to use your service.
People on this forum are rightfully very skeptical about new services like this because it's the sort of thing that can be a scam and keep it's reputation unharmed for a fairly long time (until people get loan repayments, which may be a long time). Especially in the cryptocurrency world where people can be near-anonymous and make scams which don't get them prosecuted, you have to make sure you can prove your company is legit.
When you make posts like this, you need to let people know exactly why you've made this service, because it seems too good to be true that someone would run a service without any obvious ways of making profit.
I don't necessarily doubt your sincerity myself but you can see why people would and I hope you'll take this advice seriously (even though I'm new myself).
Posted on: Today at
You're right, I should have gone more in detail as of, why and how we manage to provide this service for free.
The running costs of our platform are very low with only a couple of hundred USD/year for the servers. In fact our costs for legal advice far surpassed any other costs (including platform development). However these are just one time costs that we are willing to accept and cover ourselves.
We are currently considering accepting donations in the future to cover the running costs.
Other than that, we truly believe that exchanging bitcoins with people from all over the world should be availabel for anyone with an internet connection and free of charge.
Our company is registered in Austria in the EU so everybody can look up who exactly is behind this platform. We are not anonymous and are definitely not trying to scam anybody.
On topic, why would you take zero commission/fees? are you donating to the community or have other methods to earn profit?
Why not first spend a few months in this forum to become at the very least a Senior member for others to check your activity and way of thinking?
Coming out here with a brand new account launching an exchange service is worse than any insult.
Posted on: Today at 04
I'd like to apologize, we really don't want to insult anybody here. Some people in our team have in fact had a bitcointalk account for a long peroid of time, however we wanted to use an 'official' OpenBitcoin Account. Sorry if we offended you or anybody else here in the forum.