I was wandering around on GitHub when I found this faucet rotator, the overall is great, but it was outdated and with many broken links, so I forked it [got a copy of it], and now I'm working on it, to keep it up to date. If you guys wanna try it, i'm hosting it on a subdomain of my personal website bitcoin.dmcclccam.com.br. There's is not as many links as I wanted, but they are all working, and I'll add more on the following days. Also, if you know a faucet site, you could (1) send your pull request with it [if you are familiar with GitHub] or (2) just create an issue here with the link you are suggesting, and I will add it ASAP.
Best regards,
I thought this is gonna be a disaster, yet another one trying with faucets which i am not fan or user of it, but after clicking your link i was a surprise for a little bit. Kinda like the top of the page, looks like retro style with nice brown background and big letters. Wont use it, that is for sure, but those who will, might will. Wish you well.