INVESTMENTS MADE PUBLICInvestment from msc of
BTC2.0 ->
BTC2.2 (12/3/2013) (
Transaction Details)
StatisticsCurrent Hash Rate: ~230 GH
Current return on
BTC1 investment: ~3 weeks
Next 180GH miner in:
Currently owned hardware:1 x BFL Single 60GH (@55 GHash/sec)
1 x BFL Single 50GH (@55 GHash/sec)
1 x AMT 128GH (@~125 GH/sec avg)
Purchased through investments1 x BFL Single 50GH (
Transaction Details) (CURRENTLY MINING)
Purchased prior to investments1 x AMT 128 GH [120 expected] - End of December (
Transaction Details - Order #805) (CURRENTLY MINING)
1 x Black Arrow 2TH miner - End of February (
Transaction Details - Order #975)
The above will change as new hardware is bought and launched.==============================================================
I know it's a silly thought. It's a silly title in general. But hear me out for a moment.
The idea here is to take a small amount of investors, to invest in my getting more mining power as quickly as possible. After thinking of what I can offer, I've come up with the following plan:
How things will work:1.) I will take a few minor investments from
three people. Each investment
must be one to five bitcoins.
2.) From the investments made, AVAILABLE hardware will be purchased directly from reputable companies in order to increase the hash rate of my personal network.
3.) From the moment an investment is received,
I will dedicate 75% of my total hashing power to paying back the investors
one at a time on a
first-come first-serve basis.
4.) This will continue until
all investors have been
paid back in full, plus 10% of their initial investment.5.) Once all the investors have been paid in full, I may repeat the process yet again for anyone willing to either re-invest, or to make a first-time investment.
I WILL NOT BE GETTING PREORDERS. ONLY CURRENTLY RELEASED AND AVAILABLE HARDWARE. *- Serious investors must contact me for an address to send their investments to.
- All investments and payments out to investors will be made public.
- Proof of hardware purchases will be provided as they are made.
- Current hashrate will be made available at all times it becomes updated.
And that's about it..If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can make this offer seem more tempting to people willing to invest in my name, please do share. I know I don't have a lot to offer, but do know that I DO take this seriously. Unfortunately, I can only work with what I have presently... which isn't much. These terms are not set in stone and are subject to change prior to being instated depending on how potential investors are feeling about the terms laid out. I'm definitely willing to negotiate as a group if necessary.
* = I will gladly put the investment towards upcoming hardware if the investor so chooses, however the payback period will not begin until the hardware is received.