MT GOX has a much worse effect on cryptocurrency then some coin clone. In your everyday life you wouldn't get mad if walmart was selling a shittier version of something made at Gucci because that's the free market but how do you feel when Goldman Sacs scams $800 billion and gets away with it? Operation ShitExchange cleanout will finally deal with the problem of scamming shit exchanges that GOX everyone out of their money. In a free market people can choose what coin they want and if they lose or gain money on that purchase then that's all just part of the market. But now we have some 3rd party that holds everyones coins and whenever they feel like it they take off? Fuck that, we need to put an end to this so anyone that's interested in joining Operation ShitExchange Cleanout please leave a reply and let's get things started.
Everyone please brainstorm ideas and ways that we can bring an end to these exchanges and ways we can make exchanges accountable that have scammed before.