Me and a group of enthusiasts passionate about trading and cryptocurrencies have an idea to build a wiki-like free project about world of crypto trading.
Now we are gathering ideas on what articles and guides to include first to help beginners to get into the world of crypto trading! We believe that well structured and consistent educational project will boost learning curve of non-experienced traders and will fill the gaps in knowledge of more proficient individuals!
We have some views about what kind of information to include, but we really would like to hear ideas from different people with various levels of expertise and experience. Whenever if you only started your way into crypto trading and feeling that you miss something or you have to share some ideas based on your rich experience and - please discuss!
We appreciate any posts - the more the better but would like to ask you to prioritise your ideas!
Thank you and let’s make crypto trading little bit more easy to learn for everyone!
I can tell it would really go a long way as a lot of people tend to seek knowledge about trading every single day and having a place like a wiki for trading in which you get most information and questions you need to ask is a pretty good one as far as I am concerned. This would be more like a more accessible investopedia if I may say.