I registered a new account on btcclicks 5 days ago and I reached 0.1mBtc today, nothing impressive but it's free so not bad imho.
Has somebody experience with that website? Can you suggest me how to manage my btc now?
I'm in doubt if I should rent refferals, pay for premium membership or just continue as I am doing and try to invest the BTC I gained there somewhere else.
I am also guessing if try another ptc website in order to gain double BTCs.
Better not to waste your time from PTC's they are just the same with faucets. It is always like the usual paid to click and there's noting new. And don't be happy if you are just earning for free there as that is one of the marketing strategies of PTC's, if you will going to keep using their site you'll be paid yes, but a very small amount.