As an admin you can
- Add related and upsell products.
- Product categories
- Discount codes
- Sales (with or without start/end dates)
- Edit page text even without logging into admin UI
On checkout page customers are presented with the total amount to be paid in BTC, BTC address and QR code. When payment is made either by scanning the QR code or manully copying over the address users are automatically redirected to "Thank you" page with order invoice emailed to them.
The monthly payment is USD 20 paid in BTC. With that payment you get
- 24/7 uninterrupted service
- ability to add/edit as many products as you want
- your custom domain integration
- email notifications about sold items
- admin dashboard
- and more...
And that is all you have to pay if your traffic is less than 10 000 visitors a day. Nothing is charged when you make a sale.
Demo website database and images are reverted back to the original state every 10 minutes so you can play around by adding/removing products and pictures to see how it works for yourself.
Admin UI URL -
Username: demo
Password: demo