I used to be able to create .app and .dmg files from Source in v.1.9.x - but since v 2.x it is not working anymore.
The steps I used to follow are:
1. clone the github repo on my OSX machine
2. go to the directory and input "python setup.py build"
3. "sudo python setup.py install"
4. "pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/icons_rc.py"
5. "sudo python setup-release.py py2app" (which would create the Electrum.app file --> moved to the Application folder)
6. Double-click on the Electrum icon in the Application folder.
Since 2.x I get a fatal error when doing step 6...
I am on OSX 10.10.3. Is it the new OSX Swift language that is getting in the way?
EDIT: Traceback showing up in the console:
File "xxx/electrum/dist/Electrum.app/Contents/Resources/electrum.py", line 213, in
assert os.path.exists(requests.utils.DEFAULT_CA_BUNDLE_PATH)