I used some #5-40 (1/2 or 3/4" i can't rem) SHCS to mount the pump/block module to the board.
When i took the picture there was about 4x the amount of thermal paste as i left for actual mounting. I used some very good paste that I use for some of our industrial applications (I don't have the spec on hand, can provide if needed). Applied, rubbed around a bunch, spread with a razor, then scraped with a gauge that I made several years ago to leave .005-.010" of thermal compound in a nice even layer. I always put a much larger patch of paste than the chip that is being sinked, and in this case, it's probably well over 6x the actual chip surface.
Didn't take pictures of the ducted cold box...it's ugly as homemade soap...its done gorilla style (ugly but tough)
Testing at present how the boards run at current build