This book looks at the phenomenon of new robot technologies, asks what impact they might have on the economy, and considers how governments, businesses and individuals should respond to them.
Book chapters
The economics of a robot future
Technological possibilities
Robots of the past and of the future
Robots and justice
Not long ago, this worry was the stuff of science fiction. Now, as self–driving cars take to the streets and robots fill our warehouses and factories, it is entering mainstream political debate around the world.
This raises important questions for all of us. How society uses new technologies is not a foregone conclusion. It depends on political decisions, cultural norms and economic choices as much as on the technologies themselves.
This book features views from a range of disciplines, including economics, engineering, history, philosophy and innovation studies.
Stian Westlake
Ryan Avent, Frances Coppola, Frederick Guy, Nick Hawes, Izabella Kaminska, Tess Reidy, Edward Skidelsky, Noah Smith, E. R. Truitt, Jon Turney, Georgina Voss, Steve Randy Waldman and Alan Winfield