It seems to me that you dont understand the system, at all Huh
In fact I do very well understand what their aim is. Its just nonesense how they do it.
no escrow usage possible. Personally I want to stay anonymous in the dark web and dont want to justify myself in front of a trustee or whatever when, for example, my gun parts did not arrive.
Escrow systems work for a reason and they protect the anonymity on trading platforms. How else would this work untill this day.Using them is no danger to anonymity and they exist because people need to gather evidence to make a decision.
Tell me one system that is trying to protect both sides and still preserves anonymity of both sides.
Ofc there are escrow systems that work like PayPal while protecting the anonymity in the deepweb. Just research a bit...
Who would go through the struggle in making, lets say 5 adresses, buys stuff from a seller waits till they arrive and then invalidates all transactions just to get nothing out of it since the funds are not going back to him?
Were talking about the darkweb. You can be sure, there will be a ton of new scammers once this SavAct-System is established.
And dont talk about some competition scheme when you cannot provide any data yourself.
This argument is idiotic. I am not the one who claims a lot of nonesense. SavAct are the ones who have to provide data. Just claiming stuff and calling it facts is unbelievably negligent and unprofessional.
the money goes to the token owners which could be anyone, I dont see the problem there.
The tokenowners are not "anyone". SavAct is withholding a large amount of the tokens. And therefore a large amount of invalidated coins go back to them. How can you not see the problem here?
As you have already described, only sellerscams were without SavAct possible. With Savact both seller and buyerscams are possbile, without any kind of control. This system is therefore not better than that we use right now, its much worse.
Why did the BTC become so big and widespread in the dark and deep web?
Because BTC was the first system that ensured the decentralization of transactions, which are not vulnerable to hacker attacks. Anonymity is still kind of a big problem with those currencies. Just read some news.
SavAct acts like they are the first that came up with a brilliant solution. While in fact their solution is more dangerous to trading than ever before. Its not sophisticated and unresonably risky. Either as a buyer or a seller, I would not use their system, because its more vulnerable to scams than the already established systems. More ridiculous is the fact, that SavAct claims that you need to give up your anonymity in the darkweb when using a crypto escrow system, which shows that they did not even research properly.