Ozcoin Pooled Mining Pty Ltd
Opened 7 June 2011
Now offering PPS at 5% fees
Features include
USA, Europe and
Australian mining servers
Double Geometric Payout Method Fee free - optional Donation
Pay Per Share 5% fee
Long Polling and Low Stale Percentage
Custom built Web Frontend
SSL Certificate
Extensive Individual and and Pool Statistics
Email notification on idle miner
Email notification on payout
Share validation waiting period 120 blocks,
Instant payout, pay invalids for 5%+ donors
Automatic and full Decimal Payouts. Script runs every 10 minutes
Friendly active IRC channel chat.freenode.net #ozcoin or via site based Web IRC
Awesome IRC bot with many useful commands
IRC "Donors Lounge"
Merged Mining of Bitcoin and Namecoin
Automatic onsite conversion of NMC to BTC available:)
Per worker option to disable NMC longpolls
Bitcoin only mining on port 8331 (all servers)
Port80 mining
Hall of Fame
Ozcoin cross platform desktop widget
http://btcstats.net/?ozcoin for cool forum avatar
Advantages of Double Geometric Payout Method
Hopping-proof, low-variance reward system
This method offers steady income per share similar to PPS. We take the risk of long rounds and pay even when the pool buffer runs out, so we appreciate donations to keep this service up and running.
Double Geometric Variables
f=-0.25, c=0.2, o=0.8
More Information about this method can be found here
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/double-geometric-method-hopping-proof-low-variance-reward-system-39497 Pay per Share
5% Fee
Note: Merged Mining and Donations are disabled for PPS method.
Current PPS Rate:0.00002741 BTC
Our vision:
To encourage BTC use in Australia and throughout the world by supporting miners and other BTC enterprises.
We feel that a strong growing community will help us overcome any obstacles for BTC and we are here for the long run toward real world use of BTC - not for a quick buck.To this end we feel that transparency is vital in our project and will endeavour to provide as much information as required for this to become possible.
Please note a valid email adress is required for registration.
Getting Started
1. Register an account with
ozco.in 2. Once activated login and go to
Worker . Setup your workers.
3. Then at
Pool Options Enter the address of the wallet you would like your payments made to and your amount for automatic payout, Namecoin wallet address or auto conversion to BTC and preferred donation amount and Payout method.
4. Join your miner to the pool:
http://us.ozco.in http://eu.ozco.in http://au.ozco.in Ports 80,8331 and 8332 available on all mining nodes
. Password:
5. Start your worker. On first connection it can take your client a few minutes to "connect" and download the work units.
6. You're done! Check out the pool Statistics to see how the pool is doing .
NOTE: Some miners prefer not to Merged Mine we have made port 8331 available. Shares submitted to port 8331 are only submitted to bitcoind and no NMC longpolls are sent.
Questions, (positive) criticism/suggestions welcome
Best Wishes
Graeme Tee
Managing Director
Ozcoin Pooled Mining Pty Ltd
ACN:152 509 272
Site donation address 1Gzcbs8dDYzf16qFWKHc5kWKuH8nji3pVt
Donate hashes -u ozcoin.donate -p p