Do NOT open port 8332 unless you intentionally want to allow RPC commands to your bitcoin daemon! That means that an outsider could send a command to empty all coins on the wallet and send them to himself. Yes, I know you can mitigate this by limiting the allowed IPs in the config file, but my point is, why expose yourself to unnecessary risk? Port 8333 should be open so bitcoind can connect to other nodes.
For p2pool, open port 9332 if you want to see the Web interface or connect miners to your pool from outside your firewall. If you don't want either, you can safely keep it closed. Open port 9333 so p2pool can connect to other p2pool nodes. This port should generally be open.
For other coins, again, you want to keep the RPC port closed, but the other, generic port open. I don't know which of those ports are which from your list; check your coins' documentation.