crypto-currency exchange preparing company.
Company Name : Allstar management
Address : S.Korea, Incheon city, dam-ji-ro 8 gil 15
CEO : Kim sung won
Employees : 20
Exchange Name : Allstarbit
Exchange open schedule day : 2018-05-25
We are hiring following developers.
1. node.js Programmer
(1+ year experienced one guy)
2. Database Administrator
(expert who have experiences of big-size service using nosql (mongodb, dynamosql))
3. Crypto Currency Exchange experienced programmer
(Various develop experiences related with crypto currency exchange)
Requirements :
Live here s.korea, should come here office 5 days a week.
Contract period :
1 year, extend can be consulted when period become end.
Remuneration :
Suitable, moderate to your experience and skills.
Skype interview :
We can ask your participated projects, skill, experiences via skype face interview.
Language :
Here all uses koreans, but if you come, the person in charge will use english.
Email : [email protected]
Telegram : @wsxdrfv
Discord : lee#2558
I have sent you a PM on telegram