
Topic: Palai, the basic income coin nobody seems to be talking about (Read 147 times)

Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Palai just implemented yet another update; now they have something they didn't have before, a block explorer! It always shows the latest ten transactions, you can search by address, and also once you click on a transaction, you can type a transaction number into the URL, and you can go all the way back to those first transactions on May 22, 2018, though some transactions show "not found" errors, probably because they are simple unseen transactions such as demurrage, or the coins being generated in the blocks. Also, it seems to be the most socially fair coin, and it appears to use Silvio Gesell principles kind of like Freicoin, only Freicoin is still mined like other currencies, so this is an energy efficient one fairly distributed to verified users. And the demurrage fees help with that problem about wallets that have been locked and forgotten, wallets of people who have died and such, because the demurrage fee is an intentional slow leak of unspent coins, leaking out into the basic income area. Anyway, here is the block explorer.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
I know you said that not much is known about this coin as far as the cryptography, which is true, but what if more people were aware of this API documentation page I just dug out of deep Google searches? Does this page give any hints as to the way the coin is programmed?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
I think it's hard to discuss it since there isn't much known about its cryptographic characteristics.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
I recently heard about this coin called Palai from someone on another crypto forum that isn't Google-indexed, and when I Googled it, the main result was the website itself, and a Reddit post on a subreddit for universal basic income cryptocurrencies. Apparently, Palai is distributed to its users, a certain number of coins per day, and that number decreases as more people join the program. However, the coins are very slowly burned to encourage spending! So if you have one thousand coins and you hold them for a day, you'll find that you will only have 999.99 Palai after a few days. Apparently, this is to encourage people to transact with them. And of course, coin burning causes supply decrease, which causes scarcity, and, well, you know. But nobody is talking about this coin, even though they have a perfectly good working live platform! I've received coins through their daily airdrop, and I even watched a few fractions of a Palai just disappear because of their constant burn process. Now, I don't know if this coin will ever catch on, or if it's even legit, but how come nobody is talking about this? Neither positive nor negative; people just aren't talking about Palai!
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